Viking Lifestyle – Tim – The Fuckboy frame

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Viking Lifestyle – Tim – The Fuckboy frame

Viking Lifestyle – Tim – The Fuckboy frame

After a year of intense coaching, observations, research, going out and meeting even more girls, and my own personal growth, I created The Fuckboy Frame.

The Fuckboy Frame is a comprehensive online program that I created to teach YOU how to BE that guy who has women WANTING your attention.

The Fuckboy Frame is about becoming a part of that 10%. It’s about evolving into a guy that has women wanting you for YOU, and not for your “game”.

The main focus of The Fuckboy Frame is to get you RESULTS. But not results because you’re killing yourself going out more. Instead, you’ll get results because of the qualities women see in you, and because of how you project those qualities in every, single, interaction you have.

The Fuckboy Frame is divided into five core modules:

Module One – Core Principles:

·       The brutal unfiltered truth about society and double standards for men and women when it comes to dating.

·       Breaking down social tension and how it controls all of us

·       How to leverage social communication in your favor every time you go out

·       An in depth look into female psychology, sexuality, and motivations. Also how to use those motivations to make proper decisions in your interactions.

·       The dating dynamics of the “dating pyramid”. How to work your way up the dating food chain and diagnose your current state.

·       And most importantly, how to solidify The Fuckboy Frame dating principles that will launch you into that 10%.

Module Two – Inner Identity:

·       How to identify your core starting point, the root of why you got into “game”

·       How to use this starting point to align your goals and use game to meet those goals

·       Learn how to redefine your value from non-attractive value to MASSIVELY attractive value.

·       How to express your true self without being gimmicky or holding back

·       Finding the balance between being too try hard or “needy” when you’re around women, and expressing your most attractive self in every single interaction you’re in.

Module Three – Taking Action:

·       How to practice going out properly without getting sucked back into the funnel of being a “pua”

·       The stages of the night and how to maintain your “game” over long periods of time

·       Hours of infield breaking down proper sub communication by teaching you how to rely on your body and what you DON’T say, instead of what to say

·       How to have extremely effective “verbal game” the way that actual players talk to girls, and how to have girls chase you through WHAT you say

·       The best way to get physical without freaking the girl out and actually have her want to engage it more.

·       Mind blowing infield breaking down how to properly lead, how to deal with other guys talking to the girl you’re interested in, and how to solve problems from the beginning of the interaction to the end

·       How to set up dates consistently through text, with my own examples of texting for reference

·       A complete breakdown of my entire process on a first date, with an entire hidden camera infield of one of my own first dates broken down by me from open to close.

·       The principles behind meeting girls during the day, and how to actually use day time approaching to increase your results 10x, with insane daygame footage to breakdown my own process.

Module Four – Lifestyle Design:

·       How to take all the actionable steps we learned in the previous module, and convert it into immediate abundance with women

·       How to keep girls wanting you after sex and develop a rotation of hot women that are consistently in your life

·       The steps to surrounding yourself with a healthy circle of wings and friends.

·       How to leverage the connections you make to get access to high end venues and be around higher quality women more often

·       My own journey of how I went from awkward nerd to NYC promoter by using “game” to connect with people who had more access than me.

Module Five – Personal Progression

·       How to build that rockstar confidence that leaks out into other areas of your life.

·       Creating a healthy ego and seeing yourself as THAT GUY without waiting for approval from others around you

·       How to find yourself among the haze of advice and input that is out there and how to use risk taking to make massive gains in your own progression.

·       How to handle adversity and the highs and lows that come with taking action.

·       Learn how to tap into your potential and literally 10x yourself by making the most of every step in your journey.

·       The very steps that I used to attract the best mentors in various industries (pickup included), which got me the success I have now.

This is The Fuckboy Frame.

It’s not a “pua” product that teaches you how to game harder, game more, or even game better.

It teaches you how to jump out of the 90% of guys that will never fulfill their potential with women and actually jump into that top tier of guys that have women BEGGING for their attention.

Here’s the thing, I wanted to jam pack so much value into The Fuckboy Frame that I included eight massive bonuses at two different tiers of the course.

Bonus #1 – The Fuckboy Chronicles

Hundreds of pages of my personal lay reports and stories meeting women through the years. This is an epic compilation of my journey through game, my highs and lows, broken down in excruciating detail, for you to learn from.

Bonus #2 – Pimp Your Snapchat, Snapchat game unlocked:

Live session teaching you how to leverage your snapchat to hook up with hot girls consistently, even girls that might have been “flaky” before.

Bonus #3 – Accountability Q&A Webinar:

A live webinar where I’ll be personally keeping you accountable to everything we learned in The Fuckboy Frame. This is a two hour open Q&A webinar designed for you to pick my brain on every single topic imaginable relating to these fuckboy dating principles.

Bonus #4 – The Fuckboy Frame exclusive Facebook group:

Your personal private space to connect with me and keep other like minded guys up to date on your journey as well as get personalized feedback on questions and insights you have relating to your progression.

Elite Bonus #1 – The Mentor Archives:

The vault of exclusive interviews with some of my greatest mentors in game. The guys who helped influence me to get to the point where I’m getting the results with girls that I get today.

Elite Bonus #2 – Virtual Weekend Intensive:

The Virtual Weekend Intensive is a behind the scenes look at every aspect of my most premium program, the Weekend Intensive. In this bonus, we’ll take an in depth look at all four days of the Weekend Intensive and expose the lessons and experiences that students go through from beginning to end of the program, so you can experience it virtually on your own.

Elite Bonus #3 – 10 Week Accelerator Game Missions:

One of the best parts of the course. Originally designed to be a stand alone course, the 10 week accelerator missions, is a 10 week program created to accelerate your progress as you go through The Fuckboy Frame curriculum. Each week is a separate exercise that I’ve created to specifically go along with the core curriculum. These are exercises that I have my live coaching students do to rapidly accelerate their success, and I added them in to 10x how you learn your game.

Elite Bonus #4 – Advanced Game + Investment Webinar

The most advanced webinar I’ll ever be teaching up to this point. This two hour webinar goes over the foundations of my game currently. Topics like how I get girls to chase just by looking at them, how I bounce my interactions off of each other, how I own the club from the very of the beginning of the night till the end without ever getting “burned out”. This webinar is the first time I’ll be talking about “the dark side” of game.

The Fuckboy Frame is a complete experience. I’ve created it to be a final solution. A solution to take you OUT of the “pua” mindset that’s been holding you down, and launch you into seeing yourself as THAT guy.

With The Fuckboy Frame you will:

  • Treat yourself like a guy who’s already been winning with women all his life
  • Stop putting a priority on your micro “sticking points” and actually focus on the positives of what you’re doing RIGHT
  • Communicate in a way that presents your MOST attractive self in each interaction
  • Have girls invest and chase you like never before, because you’re simply trying less
  • Use the space around you to your advantage and up your value just by the way you move
  • Verbalize your intentions in a way that doesn’t turn girls off, but turns them on
  • Access the REAL game. The game that isn’t about standing around waiting for your next “set” but actually being you
  • Flip the script from constantly selling yourself to women, to being the buyer
  • Have game become a part of you, and develop your own style around women
  • And more…

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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