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Greg Davis – Affiliate Millionaires 2017
Greg Davis – Affiliate Millionaires 2017
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Oct 13th – Oct 15th, 2017 – You’re invited to the most shocking and profitable, private Affiliate Marketing event ever arranged..
“How To Make $50,000 PER DAY WITHOUT a Website, Sales Copy or List & Finally Gain 100% Clarity on How a Multi-Million Dollar Online Business REALLY Works”
The Affiliate Marketing No One Talks About
My industry is affiliate marketing, but not your traditional affiliate marketing. This isn’t Amazon; we don’t just get paid a small percentage of a sale.
While the so-called gurus are barely making a million dollars selling crappy information products, the REAL internet marketers in my industry are netting tens of millions of dollars per year, working part time.
There’s a secret world of much more successful online marketers out there, that are cashing in on an industry that has stayed under the radar for many years.
They are extremely tight-lipped. They rarely talk about how they make these huge sums of money outside of their very small circle.
And they all have one thing in common. More on that later.
My name is Greg Davis, aka Mr. $50K A Day and I’ve been blessed to be an insider in this world for many years. I’ve been a $1M/month super affiliate, an affiliate network owner, and a merchant.
The type of affiliate marketing I do is WAY bigger than Internet Marketing products.
In fact, if you take every product launch, every sales webinar, over the past 3 years and add up the revenue, it would still be dwarfed by my industry.
What is it?
It’s called CPA, which stands for cost per action or cost per acquisition.
You may have heard of CPA before, and there have even been a few lame courses and ebooks that have tried to teach it. But there has never been and actual insider, someone that routinely generates $50,000 – $100,000 per day, that is willing to reveal the TRUE secrets of the industry, for 3 whole days.
Until now.
What Make CPA So Much More Lucrative Than Traditional Affiliate Marketing?
Traditionally, affiliates get paid a percentage of an online sale. With CPA, the affiliate gets paid when the consumer performs a specific action.
The action can be as simple as having the person enter their email or even zip code (called email submits and zip submits).
I’ve been paid up to $5 when a consumer just enters their email. $5 might not sound like much, but when you can drive 10,000 leads/day it adds up quickly.
The Reason it’s so lucrative for affiliates is because you can get paid without the customer pulling out a credit card.
They don’t have to buy anything in order for you to get paid a commission, which makes it pretty easy to generate big profits.
100% commission programs used to be all the rage. In the CPA world, we get 1000% commissions. How?
When someone takes advantage of a free trial offer, they normally pay around $3 or $4 shipping to get a trial of the product. When they do that, I get paid a commission between $30 – $40, and sometimes more.
That’s because the advertiser (merchant) knows that they will make much more than that in the lifetime of that customer so they have no problem paying for them up front.
So don’t get me wrong, I know a lot of people that have made some cash in these programs, in some cases over $100,000 per month. But in CPA, many affiliates routinely make over $100k/day.
This is why they can drop $30k for a flight on a private Leer jet, while your favorite “successful” internet marketer is thrilled to be in first class.
Listen, I know $100k is nothing to sneeze at. I remember back in 2007 I was ecstatic about making 6 figures monthly in traditional affiliate marketing. But when you look at the staggering amount of money in the CPA industry, you can see why $100k is just another day’s work.
Why is there so much money in CPA?
Huge multi-billion dollar companies need customers. They have tons of offers, but they need traffic. They need huge amounts of traffic. Companies like Apple, Sears, Walmart and Netflix need a steady flow of leads, and they have no problems spending millions every single month to affiliates that bring them the traffic they need.
Now don’t get me wrong – if you work your ass off and do traditional affiliate marketing, mlm, or internet marketing, you can make some ok money.
But if you can learn CPA and get good at buying traffic, you can make staggering amounts of money in a very short period of time.
Up until now, there has never been a real insider that is willing to break the code of silence and teach the real secrets to making $xx,xxx per day with CPA, in a live 3-day event. That will change on Oct. 13.
For the first time ever, you will have the opportunity to learn how to bank 5-figures per day with affiliate marketing – directly from someone that has been doing it day in day out for the past 5 years.
In Washington DC, from Oct. 13 – 15 you will have the rare opportunity to learn the underground techniques we use to make over $50,000 per day. I’m hosting a private, closed door event where I’m spilling my guts.
Get Greg Davis – Affiliate Millionaires 2017 on right now!
Most marketers like to talk about THEIR earnings. I like to showcase my clients’ earnings, because that’s the true measure of someone’s ability to teach others. Just like I’ll be teaching at my event in October.
Greg Davis – Affiliate Millionaires 3.0
So now you can see why my coaching students happily paid $50k for my secrets. Why would I share them now for a fraction of that price?
There are many in my industry that wish I would shut up and not tell anyone for any price, but I don’t believe in hoarding information. That is a scarcity mentality, and I believe in abundance. There is enough out here for all of us.
Your success doesn’t take anything away from mine.
But I have an ulterior motive as well. I have my own affiliate network (Rockstar Revenue), as well as my own offers so if I can train a small army of affiliates to duplicate my success and drive massive amounts of traffic, it’s a win-win.
You get the opportunity of a lifetime to learn how to make a mind-boggling amount of money, and assuming you promote my offers, the more money you make the more money I make.
Beautiful, right?
Therefore, I have every reason to tell you everything I know about making money with affiliate marketing. And that’s exactly what I’ll be doing October 13 through the 15th.
I have been doing affiliate marketing since 2000. For the first seven years of my career, I struggled. Like most people online I chased every shiny new object – you name it I tried it.
But no matter how hard I worked, no matter how close I came, I could never get to the point of consistent profits. It wasn’t until 2006, when I sought out a mentor, that I was finally able to get over the hump. One piece of advice from my mentor turned my affiliate business that was losing $100 per day into one that made over $100,000 per month. All in the space of three months.
That one piece of advice turned my life around. I was able to quit my job and do affiliate marketing full-time. This was a dream come true for me. I was able to work on my schedule, and we were able to pay all of our debts.
This was the year 2007. This was my first year full-time online, and was also the first time I attended a live event. This was not a coincidence. Up to that point I resisted going to seminars thinking that I really didn’t need that. But once I went to my first event and saw the extraordinary progress I made after the event, I was hooked.
So I piddled along making about $100k/month. On my best days I did $4k – $5k per day. Life was good, but I knew I could do better.
I went to a live event in 2008, and one of the speakers said something that gave me a crazy idea. That crazy idea I had worked for me, and it led to a major breakthrough in my business. Now, my days were $50K – $60K.
This is when I became known as the Super Affiliate Rockstar, Mr. $50k A Day. A couple years later I would cross the $100k/day mark.
So there is huge value in being at live events. Marketers that go to events make more money. Plain and simple.
By the way, I’ll be sharing the piece of advice my mentor gave me, and the huge breakthrough that multiplied my income by a factor of 10 at Affiliate Millionaires.
The benefit of live events is not just the content that you get there. Even more important than that is being surrounded by like-minded people. You see, being an online marketer can be a lonely business. Your friends and your family do not understand what you do. Live events are an opportunity for you to be around people that understand what you do, and to network with them.
One of the big keys to success in affiliate marketing in particular CPA, is relationships. Relationships are started and strengthened at live events. If you’re not attending live events, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful weapons in your marketing arsenal.
If you only go to one live event this year, you need to make it the Affiliate Millionaires event I’m holding October 13-15 in Washington DC.
Because this is the only place where you will be able to learn firsthand how to generate $50,000-$100,000 per day from someone that actually does it. I know that may seem like a lot of money to you right now, to make in such a short period of time – but this is a drop in the bucket compared to the vast amounts of money in the CPA industry.
So let’s get down to it – at Affiliate Millionaires, I’m going to teach you the exact formula for generating massive cash like my friends and I in the CPA industry do.
The foundation is quite simple. One of my mentors and friends, Lloyd Irvin told me this a long time ago:
Traffic + Conversion = Cash
As simple as it looks, there are a lot of moving parts to traffic and conversion, and in our 3 days together I’ll be teaching all the parts you need to generate 7 figures per year online. Starting with traffic:
The “Massive Traffic Trio“ is Where You Need To Focus for Maximum Scalability
Affiliate Millionaires like myself don’t focus on obscure traffic sources with puny amounts of traffic. We focus on the big boy traffic sources, the traffic sources capable of producing millions of dollars.
This is where the massive traffic is:
Traffic Source 1: Google (Search & Display)
Google is the undisputed heavyweight champion of traffic. According to, Google is the #1 most trafficked website in the world, followed by Youtube (owned by Google) and Facebook.
Google reaches a staggering 98% of the internet. Google Display Network (GDN) is the largest media buy network in the world by a wide margin. Text ads, video ads, mobile ads, banner ads – all can be created on Google in a matter of minutes.
My clients and I spend upwards of $75k/day on Google to promote CPA offers. It’s a huge source of traffic and at my event in October you’ll learn:
How to quickly ramp PPC campaigns from 3 figures to 5 figures per day
The secret to finding keywords with huge amounts of traffic that convert like crazy
How to triple the traffic of any profitable campaign instantly. No one is teaching this method!
How to easily get new Google accounts even if you’ve been banned 331 times like me.
How to write PPC ads that get high CTR and high conversion rates.
How to get dirt cheap traffic on the Google search (not display) network
Secrets to testing and tracking like a pro
Bidding strategies – how to get the best possible ad placements for the cheapest possible cost per click
What it really takes to build a $100k/day Google search campaign (hint: it’s not what you think)
Traffic Source 2: Social Media
Since overtaking porn in 2012, social media is the #1 online activity. No matter how you feel about it, you can’t deny that it has become a big part of our culture. Most people check at least one social media platform at least once a day.
Many people spend hours a day on it. All these eyeballs on phones present an unprecedented advertising opportunity. Not only is there massive amounts of traffic available, it can be targeted down to the smallest of demographics.
The 800 lb gorilla of social media advertising is Facebook. Facebook is an absolute gold mine for affiliates and advertisers. At the event you will be around entrepreneurs like myself and some of the speakers that spend $50k – $100k+ on Facebook.
There are a lot of so-called Facebook ad “experts” out there, but show me some that are doing that kind of volume. Your favorite Facebook expert’s favorite Facebook experts will be at Affiliate Millionaires.
Facebook definitely leads the pack with its 2 billion+ users, but at Affiliate Millionaires you’ll learn about other social media platforms that we have been crushing with.
The social media platform that converts better than Facebook that no one is talking about.
A new way to laser target your Facebook audience to explode your ROI. No one is teaching this.
How to get unlimited $.05 – $.10 clicks on Facebook to skyrocket your ROI
The New Facebook ad option that is absolutely crushing it that no one is talking about.
How to promote affiliate offers without getting banned.
The secret to scaling your Facebook campaigns the gurus are afraid to teach.
How to get optins on Facebook for less than $.15!
How to get so much engagement with your ads that they go viral and get tons of free traffic.
Secrets to creating mobile social ads that convert better than desktop ads
And much more
Traffic Source 3: Email
Email is the #1 volume traffic source for CPA offers today, by a wide margin. Mastering email marketing is a big key to long term affiliate marketing profits.
How to get into mass email marketing the easy way.
How to start mailing immediately without worrying about warming up IP’s and everything that goes into traditional email.
The right way to buy data
How to build massive lists – FAST – that you can monetize for years
How to setup your pathways to sky-rocket opt-ins and increase conversions
Unique methods to monetize your list that you never knew existed
Conversion – Products and Offers
The next part of our Traffic + Conversion= Cash is CONVERSION. In our world conversion means having something to sell or promote that “converts” the traffic into money. This means offers. Products. Stuff to sell.
With CPA networks, you literally have thousands of offers at your fingertips. However, many smart affiliates realize that they can make a lot more money if they became the advertiser, or product owner. And one of the smartest will be teaching you at Affiliate Millionaires 3.0.
Special Session – Becoming The Advertiser (Product Owner)
The CPA industry consists of the affiliates, advertisers (the merchants or offer owner), and the CPA Networks that connect the two. Of those 3 entities, the one that makes the most money by far is the advertiser.
Over the past year especially, more and more affiliates are becoming the advertiser, and driving traffic to their own offers. At Affiliate Millionaires we will be having a special session on becoming the advertiser.
How to get, and keep your MIDS (merchant accounts)
Credit card processing – the easy way
How to find the best suppliers, and what to avoid.
How to handle fulfillment without having a warehouse full of product
How to build an internal traffic team so you don’t need to rely on CPA networks and affiliates
When you leave you will have the knowledge you need to create and run your own offer.
Special Session – Ecommerce on Steroids
Ecommerce is all the rage now, and for good reason. There are lots of cute little $50k – 100k/mo stores out there, but when you combine in demand products with massive traffic you get $1M+/mo results like Affiliate Millionaires 3.0 speaker Jose Rivera.
Jose was making trips to China and doing ecommerce long before it was popular. If you want to learn how to profit with ecommerce in a huge way, come and here Jose speak at Affiliate Millionaires 3.0.
Get Greg Davis – Affiliate Millionaires 2017 on right now!
Special Friday Session – Black Hat Night
I have a reputation for dabbling in Black Hat strategies from time to time. Now when I say Black Hat I don’t mean fraud, or anything illegal. I mean breaking the internet rules a little bit, the rules set by companies like Google and Facebook not the government.
I can’t say a lot about it in this public letter, but let’s just say we have some brand new Black Hat techniques that are making us a fortune. We’ll be sharing these and other Black Hat strategies in a special Friday night session.
In addition to all the excellent content, we are going to have fun. If you know anything about me you know I like to party, so you’re going to have a blast.
In addition to the excellent content we are going to have fun. If you know anything about me you know I like to party, so you’re gonna have a blast.
Why You Need to Come To Affiliate Millionaires:
1. You need fast, reliable and scalable traffic or you’ll be broke
If you want to make any real money in affiliate marketing, you must master paid traffic, and the absolute masters of paid traffic will be teaching at this event. Multi-billion dollar companies pay for advertising, they don’t rely on SEO or social media buzz.
You don’t do $50k – $100k days online with free traffic. If you want to make a few thousand bucks a month, and can wait a couple months to start getting paid, by all means try SEO.
But if you want scalable traffic that can bring in 5 and 6 figures PER DAY, you must master paid traffic.
2. If you’re not doing mobile right, you are already getting left behind.
Mobile is the fastest growing sector of online traffic BY FAR. More and more consumer dollars and advertising dollars are transitioning from desktop web to mobile web. In fact, 95% of the traffic I buy is mobile.
Go anywhere in public where people are hanging out and look around. Everyone’s face is buried in their phone.
As a seasoned web marketer that has been running campaigns for 17 years, I can tell you that it is A LOT easier to make money in mobile than it is in desktop web.
At the Affiliate Millionaires event, the some of the top mobile affiliate marketers in the world will be teaching you how to optimize your mobile campaigns for maximum profits. By the time you leave the event, you will know exactly how to make huge profits with your mobile campaigns.
3. It will help you make more money, bottom line.
Whether you are a newbie or are already banking $1M+ per month, I guarantee there is something you’ll learn at this event that will make you more money. A LOT more money. Between myself and the other excellent speakers, you will walk away with a blueprint to making huge profits in affiliate marketing.
4. There is no where else to get this information.
Most internet marketers can’t teach you how to make $50K/day because they’re not making near that themselves. And the people that are making that much are not talking. This is the only place where you’ll get the real deal, down and dirty information on how the BIG BOYS are making money online.
5. You will have the time of your life.
Making money is fun, and when you get together with like minded people who are making a lot of money or on the path to, it’s a real good time. I believe in work hard play hard, so we’ll definitely carve out some time to hang out and enjoy ourselves.
6. Networking
Some of the most successful internet marketers and industry movers and shakers in the world will be at this event, so it’s a perfect time for you to network and make deals. Like I mentioned earlier relationships are a big key to success in this business and there’s no better way to develop them than face to face.
7. Find out the one thing all CPA millionaires have in common
Success leaves clues, and a shortcut to success is to model those who are already where you want to be. This one secret will blow you away and is well worth the price of admission by itself.
Affiliate Millionaires is not intended for newbies. However, if you are new to affiliate marketing and CPA don’t worry this bonus will bring you up to speed.
Fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing/CPA
Live Weekly Trainings
Will be recorded
Run paid traffic campaigns BEFORE the event
Open to Affiliate Millionaires Attendees ONLY.
Bonus # 2 How To Promote VSL’s on Facebook
VSL + Facebook = Cash
Easy and Lucrative
Complete Guide
Landing pages
Tracking & Testing
And much, much more
Bonus # 3 Facebook Accounts Guide
Been Banned?
Never start a new ad account
How to acquire all the accounts you need
How we are currently acquiring accounts
Reliable, reputable suppliers if you choose to buy
Bonus # 4 Payment Methods Guide
Multiple accounts help you scale fast.
Each FB & Google account needs a unique form of payment.
Get up to 70 new payment methods
Even if you have bad credit
Shipping method
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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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