Louis Farfields a.k.a. TextGod – Over The Top Textgame
Louis Farfields a.k.a. TextGod – Over The Top Textgame
Louis Farfields, also known as TextGod, offers “Over The Top Textgame,” a course focused on mastering the art of text messaging for dating and relationships. The program provides strategies and techniques for crafting engaging, humorous, and effective text messages to attract and maintain interest. It covers various aspects of text communication, including opening lines, flirting, storytelling, and escalation, with the goal of enhancing participants’ ability to build rapport and connection through text.
How to date an endless flow of hot women
Tinder and other dating apps, thanks to
The pendulum-Effect
You don’t know what to say
From: Louis Farfields a.k.a. The TextGod
In a minute I’m going to explain to you how you too can Hotter and more attractive women to date than you’ve ever imagined.
I’m going to share with you a crazy unexpected method I discovered that I call The pendulum-effect.
First, let me tell who I am and why we should listen to each other.
Hello, my name’s Louis.
Today I’m world’s The #1 online dating coach, with more than 6 million monthly readers.
TextGod My strategies have been used by thousands of followers around the globe to find the most beautiful women.
But I wasn’t always successful with women.
My teenage years were spent playing World of Warcraft.
Others were hitting clubs, while I was hitting orcs. Proudly defending my ‘Merciless Gladiator’ title.
My body is extremely insecure. I hit puberty shortly before my 20th birthday. There were so many excuses. Not to talk to girls.
Age 15. Being the only boy in school.
didn’t hit puberty, I was a massive outcast.
Low self-esteem and depression-It is worth it Gaming or being completely drunk made me feel happy.
I began my work as a corpse.-End your retail job.
When I was finally able to kiss a girl, Nearly 22.
Believe it or not I was 22 years old and 5 months when I made this collage.
100% Virgin.
Yes, that was the one girl I knew for years.
I was able to a huge crush You can find her.
Sometimes we even hang out.
I was imagining the whole night. It would be amazing. We would be in love and have an amazing time.
But it It has never worked That’s how it works.
One day I brought One of my best friends We hang out with them all.
The Next day, I called him to ask him if she liked me.
He started before I could get the change.
‘Bro, after we left yesterday, I went back to her place. And we had s*x.’
My ears skipped a beat. Something snapped inside me.
This hit me harder than a cannonball…
I was sobbing. And I felt Depressed for many months.
Then, I made a choice. This would never happen again to me.
I was determined to master dating with the same dedication that I had for gaming.
I took courses in any subject even remotely related to it.
Storytelling. Screenwriting. Comedy.
I spent Thousands of dollars on training and even befriended some of the world’s most famous dating coaches.
Continuous testing, analysis, and the pursuit of better conversations are all part of our daily work.-techniques, I became ‘pretty’ good to say the least.
It finally hit me:
I found the code.
One thing is certain:-one gets… That is not taught anywhere… That makes all the difference.
It is important to act immediately. sets you apart from all the other guys she’s dating.
All those other guys are now happy. obsolete and make her completely focus on you from the second she sees your profile and talks to you…
The There is one thing no one is talking about, and it’s the only thing. Some guys Do By accident They don’t understand why they get results.
I began dating girls that even my most attractive and social friends envied.
It’s what I call the pendulum-effect.
Most men have no idea. How to get her to think. How to get her thinking ‘hey, this guy is different’… And she was bored with their boring conversations.
They’re not making Her emotional pendulum move.
That’s where my method comes in.
You’re going so over the top in a coördinated way, that you’re making her pendulum swing to the far end.
But that’s not all. If you’re making her feel just one intense emotion, she will see you as that one extreme guy. But that won’t do it.
That’s when you’re giving her A completely different feeling You can make the pendulum swing to one extreme.
And this doesn’t just start in your conversations…
This already happens in your dating profile, making sure you’re the best thing she saw and read all day.
The results are astonishing. The The more I did the pendulum swing, more girls loved my.
Take a look at the following conversation:
By The right frame Keywords that you should use Arouse emotionsI did it all myself.
The Next day, we met up in real-life. Here she is wearing the blue jacket.
We didn’t even say hi.
Instead, we Instantly made out.
Yes, I will admit it.
This is not a crazy idea.
After I perfected my method, and saw my results absolutely explode…
It was fundamentally a ‘instant-dates at the push of a button’ system for me now…
That was it.
But there was just one thing on my mind…
Do I intend to keep it to myself? Or will I share it with other men who really need it?
Now I know a great love life is awesome…
But it’s not! Attaining something in the world… Share my powers with other bro’s that deserve some luck in their love lives and enjoying this adrenaline rush together… That’s worth way more.
That’s when I decided to share my system in a one-Time secret workshop in front a hundred lucky men
Unfortunately, it was gone in just 2 days. The whole thing was recorded by me.
And now for a limited time I’m offering you exclusive access to my method and the recordings of this unique workshop!
This workshop is mindblowing. you’ll know exactly how to use the power of the pendulum effect.
You’ll know exactly:
You can improve your profile text and photos to get an endless stream of super hot matches. Even if you’re not good looking at all.
Some men complain they don’t have enough luck. They are unable to get matches.
Let me tell ya, I’ve tested hundreds of images for more than 80 guys. About was what I discovered. Three little-understood concepts This is what makes every thing possible A guy who is less than average in appearance get Find more matches Rather than an underwear model.
I’m going to teach to exactly how to make The perfect photo and irresistible profile. And the best thing: It doesn’t even have to cost much time!
What is the? best opening lines These are the keys to standing out from all others. Get her attention from the start and make it a memorable day.
You’d be surprised at how many guys would ask a girl to check out her Tinder. boring as f*ck They are also great for opening doors.
Others guys can be too direct or sexual.
My pendulum-Introduires you’ll be that other guy. The One that stimulates her thinking “wow, this guy is different”.
How to make her feel special crazy attraction In just a few short messages, we will get back to you.
The Pendulum-Effect really kicks into high gear in your conversations.
You’ll learn exactly how to create the opposite of a borIng one-in-A-Dozen conversation: A conversation that simply Get her hooked on you.
How to make her ask for a date.
After testing thousands of messages I was able to identify a A special formula to ask her out That works. Each time. It’s so different from any other message she ever got, that she’ll even ask YOU out.
It is what I call the Amazing date offer.
Oh, and by the way… What you’ll learn here works just as well on WhatsApp with girls or that one crush you’ve been chasing for years already.
Take a look at the message I received from a man who joined the workshop.
Or this screenshot another guy send me from a girl he’s texting:
If you’re still wondering…
Yes, you can.
And to make sure you get the most out of this, I’m giving you:
- Real-life examples Good and bad conversations
- Hidden camera footage A list of dates that have been successful
- My favorite full conversations So you can see the Pendulum-Effect from A to Z
- Voice messages This creates instant attraction
- My best social media messages Find the hottest women from Instagram These and other apps.
- How to get girls to be sexually inclined around you
- Conversation where I SCREAM UP. Everybody always puts their best foot forward, the perfect game that runs smoothly. I’m going to share a conversation in which I am rejected. This is the most informative conversation in the entire workshop.
- How Harvard University’s scientific research can be used to help her move from Tinder into the texting app she prefers
- The story of a wild high-A value girl who ruined a student of mine on an evening out. How I managed to control her and make her fall in love
- 42 Emotional words for your texts
- What should you do if a girl calls to ask about your age? “you’re too young” Or “you’re too old”
- The The right way to treat yourself-Deprecating humor is one of the best ways to seduce girls
- What I do with emojis despite telling people not use them. This is how you can stand out
- 9 Instagram stories she liked and can easily copy.
- 2 quick videos on how my best wingsmen approach girls in real-life
- One mindf*ck to apply when girls try to “take over the frame”. This allows you to remain calm and in control.
- An error many guys make is to trigger her LOGICAL mind instead of her emotionally-focused mind. This can make her interview you, ruin the fun vibe and cause you to appear boring and normal.
- What should you do if she texts the dreaded “haha” Or “:)”
- The #1 ingredient for building a CONNECTION
- My go-to line when girls ask where I’m from + a follow up text to tease them
- The Best ways to pass her exams like it never happened
- It is a way to appear very intelligent without looking arrogant or like you are bragging.
- How to build the deepest and most meaningful connections The Hollywood Moment
- How to turn a conversation around from her rejecting you to her wanting me to fly over to her country to meet her
- You can have a romantic relationship with your Tinder friend without saying a word in real life.
- How to send voice messages that make girls feel warm and fuzzy
- A sign on WhatsApp that tells you she’s really into you
- You can give her a gif to let her know you’re serious
- A simple trick that will make girls love the things you say
- The The #1 rule that will help you move your Tinder conversation seamlessly to another texting app such WhatsApp or WeChat
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!