Lauren Eckstrom – Journey to Yoga
Lauren Eckstrom – Journey to Yoga
What’s included?
Included in Journey to Yoga10 Days of connection are 10 yoga practices that are 45 minutes long and are accompanied music. They are called Day 1 Intention (Day 2 Growth), Day 3 Devotion (Day 4 Self), Day 3 Growth (Day 3 Devotion), Day 4 Self, Day 4 Self, Day 5 Self, and Day 6 Self.-Care (Gentle/Yin) Yoga), Day 5 Stability, Day 6 Integrity, Day 7 Creativity, Day 8 Compassion, Day 9 Gratitude (Restorative YogaDay 10 Connection.
You will also receive a PDF with your purchase Journey to YogaDownload the 10 Days of Connection workbook. This workbook can be printed and used daily to help you navigate the program. The workbook is an essential, daily part of the program. to Your 10-day journey.
A detailed overview
Journey to Yoga10 Days of Connection Lauren Eckstrom A 45-minute program of meditation and yoga that focuses on living.-Enhancing Core Values Core Values are the principles that guide you in your actions and behavior. to You will align yourself with your highest purpose, and have the deepest sense of connection. Each practice builds on the previous. to You can use this information to guide you in a supportive, connected, and holistic way. Journey to Yoga Includes 8 Vinyasa flow techniques, and a Restorative Yoga Practice and a Gentleman Yoga practice. Additionally, to maximize your experience of connection, when you purchase the program you’ll receive access to Downloadable workbook with daily activities to Each Core Value can be dynamically brought to life and onto your mat. For yoga to truly uplift, transform and elevate your life, it must move with you through everything you’re thinking, saying and doing. Join Lauren This pilgrimage is a 10 day journey through the body and straight to The heart for 10 days full of connection Your journey begins within…
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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