Rob Booker – Support And Resistance Trading
Rob Booker – Support And Resistance Trading
For Rob Booker – Support And Resistance Trading
Rob Booker and Dave Murphy guide you through the powerful and easy-to-use trading techniques that have made their blog one of the most popular forex blogs on the web. Step-by-step, you will learn to set up trades on any currency pair, on any time frame chart. If you are a short term trader, these profitable strategies can help you plan and complete trades on 5 minute, 1 minute, and even tick charts. If you are a longer term trader, these same methods will help you plan trades to capture the huge swings in the currency markets, moves that last for hundreds of pips. All the trading setups that you will learn come with examples, and full descriptions of why the setups work. So you not only learn how to make the trades, but why the trades work. Support and Resistance trading is one of the oldest, proven methods for profiting in the markest, and Rob and Dave will teach you new ways to use time-tested principles used by thousands of traders around the world. Best of all, you can implement these strategies immediately, there is no software to buy, and your current charts and broker will work perfectly.
• Support and Resistance basis
• The forgotten trendline technique
• The Power and Profit of Counter Trend Trading
• The Two-Trendy Trade
• The Grand Canyon Trade
• Trend Trading with Trendlines
• Channels: trading the range on any time frame
• Fibbles, Winnipegs, and Manitobas: S/R Like You’ve never seen it
DVD 2 Bonus
The bonus DVD contains over 1 hour of examples from these currency pairs and time frames ^^ over 50 charts, reviewing all of the techniques and strategies in DVD #1, to help you implement the methods right away
Shipping method
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