Gabor Maté – Compassionate Inquiry Master Class – A powerful approach for healing anxiety addictions ADHD – PESI-Course

Gabor Maté – Compassionate Inquiry Master Class – A powerful approach for healing anxiety addictions ADHD – PESI-Course

Take the iron grip of addictions, anxiety Other
With mental health issues in less time Compassionate Inquiry

“Only when compassion is present will people allow themselves to see the truth.”
~ A.H. Almaas

Dr. Gabor Maté He is an expert at understanding the core of complex and deep issues.-Fast resolution to clinical issues that are deep-rooted

A world-Dr. Maté Assisting in palliative, family medicine, and hospice care. for more than 20 years…

And he cared for her for 12 years. for People with severe drug dependence addictions In one of the most difficult areas in North America.

These professional experiences and through healing Dr. Maté Discovered self-The key to releasing shameful and false beliefs that keep people in dangerous behaviors is compassion.

This was his fundamental principle. Compassionate Inquiry.

This is how to use it approach, he’s learned how to help people get to the core of their issues…

… often in a single meeting.

This is your chance to become a Dr. Maté Feel the power of Compassionate Inquiry for yourself.

By real in-Session demonstrations and in-Depth, therapist-To-Dr. Maté This course will teach you how to tune in to clients and direct them to the root of the problem so that they can find lasting peace.

How to watch it Gabor Therapy can help people who are in therapy for Years see the problem differently, which allows them to find new solutions.

Utilize Compassionate Inquiry, you’ll be able to help your clients overcome addiction, anxiety, codependence, ADHD, and other mental health problems that can be difficult

They can build stronger, more satisfying relationships with others and themselves.

Meet the Course Expert

Gabor Maté, MD, She is a best-selling author and speaker. Dr. Maté Highly sought-after for His expertise covers a variety of topics, including addiction, stress, and child development.

His Compassionate Inquiry approach Both his professional and personal experience as a physician, as well his personal trauma from being an infant in Nazi Germany, allows him to draw on both his professional and personal work.-Hungary, where he was held captive. His adult struggles with behavior addictionsAnonymization of depression, anxiety, and other disorders ADHD diagnosis.

Dr. Maté She has published many bestselling books in more than 20 languages, on five continents. This includes the award-winning book-You are the winner In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts – Close Encounters With Addiction; When The Body Says No: Exploring the Stress/Disease Link; and Scattered : How ADD Originates, and What You Can Do About It. He was his co-Authored Keep your kids safe: Why parents matter more than peers

Dr. Maté Has been awarded the Hubert Evans Prize for Literary Non-Fiction; an Outstanding Alumnus Award from Simon Fraser University, and the Order of Canada, his country’s highest civilian distinction.

Disclosures for Speakers
Financial: Dr. Gabor Maté The co-Compassion founder for Addiction. He is an author for Knopf/Random House. Penguin/Putnam. Knopf Canada. Wiley. Random House also receives royalties. Dr. Maté Receives a speaking honorarium of PESI Inc.
Non-financial: Dr. Gabor Maté There is no non-relevant information-financial relationship to disclose.

What You’ll Discover in this Master Class

You will have access to four amazing singles-Sessions with real people who are struggling deep-Life is not possible without trauma.-Lange Addiction anxietyCodependence is a form of dependence ADHD.

Next Gabor Rich Simon, editor of Psychotherapy Networker magazine, for a deep-These sessions are reviewed in depth to help you understand how and why. Compassionate Inquiry works so fast.

Introduction to Compassionate Inquiry With Gabor Maté
Gabor Maté Rich Simon joins Rich Simon to discuss how his approach Different from other forms, psychotherapy. They discuss the core components that guide his work with every client he sees, as well as an overview of the kind of work you’ll watch Gabor Doing in the next sessions.

You’ll also discover:

  • How Compassionate Inquiry What made it possible?
  • What is the? Compassionate Inquiry approach Looks like in real sessions
  • Your clients may not be telling you why they are disengaged from your treatment efforts but rather, it is telling you. approach isn’t working
“I just can’t stop.” Utilize Compassionate Inquiry To move beyond addictive behaviors
Here is Elizabeth, a woman with a long history in addiction. She’s been through 21 detox centers and 5 treatment programs, yet continues to relapse. You can watch the video. Gabor This helps her to re-Frame her story from within-Judgement on oneself-So she can finally overcome her addiction, she must learn compassion.

You’ll also:

  • Listen in as Gabor He breaks down the session and analyses it. Then he focuses on the deeper problem.
  • It is easy to understand why someone can go through so many rehab programs and not see any lasting changes.
  • Learn how Compassionate Inquiry It can help you to quickly overcome addictive behaviors.
“Why is this doing this to me?” Discovering the root causes of anxiety Panic with Compassionate Inquiry
Gabor Eleni works with us, she is intense anxiety, de-After a complicated medical condition, realization and panic attacks. Despite the fact that her condition has been resolved, her sense of Self was still affected, which made her feel vulnerable.

You will learn:

  • Watch this classic moment of discovery. Gabor gets to the root of Eleni’s debilitating anxiety Use Compassionate Inquiry
  • Learn how to move your clients quickly using stepping stones “before” To “after”
  • Learn the essential elements that you need to put in place for every job Compassionate Inquiry Session
“I need to protect myself.” Compassionate Inquiry With codependent and abusive partners
Joanne struggles to find a way to be with her brother, an addict and unstable, while still feeling safe and secure. Learn how Gabor Guides her to solve it in one session.

You’ll also discover how to:

  • Encourage clients to focus on the deeper causes behind their symptoms
  • Adoption counseling can help clients deal with abusive relationships from a place that is authentic and clear
  • So you can understand the language and body language of your clients, as well as their voices, so that you can help them to shift their beliefs.-Judgement on oneself-Compassion
“It’s OK to tune out.” Secret language ADHD In Compassionate Inquiry
Gabor Renee comes to Renee after a long struggle with the disease. ADHD And the guilt and shame that often accompany it. Watch as he takes a completely different—and creative—approach To help her overcome ADHD Self-evaluation-judgment using Compassionate Inquiry.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Make sure clients know that ADHD It is often used as a coping mechanism for real-life situations.-life circumstances, and not simply something that’s wrong with their brain
  • Help clients release tension and agitation by teaching them how to use their bodies. anxiety This is what comes with ADHD
  • Turn a client’s self-Self-loathing-So they can begin to heal.
Register today and get two FREE Bonus items—valued at $119.98!
The Myth of Normality in a Insane Culture
Digital Seminar by Gabor Maté ($59.99 value)

Dr. Maté Discusses how mental and physical illness are natural outcomes of hyperactivity.-Stressed, materialistic society

Therefore, treatment must not be limited to diagnosing and treating symptoms. It must address the root causes of dysfunction.-psycho-A social perspective

You’ll discover how early childhood adaptability impacts adulthood, the importance of having a trauma-A better understanding of clients and the reasons why current treatment methods are ineffective.

Modern Healing: Psychedelics
Digital Seminar by Gabor Maté ($59.99 value)

Once you have been considered as therapeutically off-limits, today there’s growing interest in the use of psychedelic substances in the clinical treatment of PTSD, depression, addictions, and many other conditions.

Psychoneuroimmunology and interpersonal neurobiology have recently validated the principles on which these healing These pathways can be based.

This workshop, which was recorded live at Psychotherapy Symposium, is presented by Dr. Maté This article explains how psychedelics may create distinctive experiences for both clients and therapists.

The Next Steps to Advance Your Practice
Keep an eye on your email for Your order confirmation, You’ll receive instructions for instantly accessing the comprehensive videos, handouts and bonus materials—all designed to help your clients regulate their nervous systems so they can feel safe in their body.
Study the course materials at your pace and convenience. All materials are downloadable/printable, and you’ll have unlimited access to all course videos and materials online—forever. You can also use the CE21™ Mobile App to access the content on your mobile devices, wherever and whenever you want.
Work with other professionals Use interactive message boards to access course materials. Register Now for this course, you’ll join a community of hundreds of practitioners using these tools in their own practices. You can use this connection to exchange knowledge and experiences and to build your professional networks.
Completion of your CE online tests Earn up to 8.75 CE credits!
 Here’s what you’ll get in Gabor Maté – Compassionate Inquiry Master Class – A powerful approach for healing anxiety addictions ADHD – PESI-Course
Gabor Maté - Compassionate Inquiry Master Class - A powerful approach for healing anxiety addictions ADHD - PESI-Course


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