Lukas Resheske – Freelance Copywriting Course


Lukas Resheske – Freelance Copywriting Course

It would be a steal if this program were twice as expensive..

(To me, The Big 4 module by itself The price was not too high.
I’m glad I joined This Mentorship Program. – David
  • 8 Core Lessons
  • 4 Advanced LessonsThe most relevant copy available today is covered by this book
  • 60Daily Copy Conditionings To Harness the Power Of “Deliberate Practice”
  • Weekly Copy Critiques Where to find the best writing REAL Copy it and have it reviewed by A Professional Copywriter
  • Weekly Assignments Written To Push Your Limits as A Writer
  • Daily Interaction Our Private Group


This mentorship program isn’t easy.

Actually, it’s something that I specifically designed. hard.


Because the world is in dire need Better copywriters

Not just for copywriters
If you aren’t looking for something, don’t apply. “quick”, “easy”Or “hacks.” These services are offered by many other programs that are cheaper.
Income DisclaimerThis program is not for the faint of heart. This is not a course that you can purchase and never log in to. It takes hard work, dedication, and effort to succeed at anything…especially copywriting. Any income mentioned in the letter is entirely the result the writer’s personal effort and work ethic. It does not represent your potential results.

From the Desk of: Lukas Resheske

The Copywriter Millionaires’ Recommendations Author of The Copywriting Business Formula, Founder of The Copywriting Mentorship Program.
Are You Looking for Something Special? You Want More?

Copywriters are all the same when I speak to them.

It doesn’t really matter if they’re just getting started…

Or if they’ve been playing for 5+ years.

They all agree that

I Just Need Someone To Help Me”

There are many, if not hundreds, of books, courses, or people trying to teach copywriting.

Some people only cover a part of the subject, like headline writing or email copywriting.

Some people claim that they teach newbies, but then the newbies are just as bad.

Some men have been learning for years by reading books, taking courses and attending events.

But They aren’t sure if they have. “got it” yet.

I see questions like, “Which 10 (or 3, or 6, or 100) books should I read to learn copywriting”

Or, “Who’s the best person to learn copywriting from?”

I believe you have the answer. This is a private programme that I’ve managed to run for over 125 people…

And nearly every single one of themIt’s been stated. They consider this the best copywriting program ever.

But I am getting ahead of myself…

Let’s begin at the beginning

Hello, dear reader,

I’d like to tell you one of my “dirty little secrets” As a copywriter.
It’s about how I got started writing copy.
See? I’d been! “studying” Copy since 2009. The usual grind: reading books, buying courses, attending seminars.
I did not write anything important until 2013.
What have you done to make things better?
2013. I was my first mentor in copywriting.
Well, “hired” This might be a bit misleading…
I actually begged him for his help.
I sent him almost a dozen emails and pounded him on Skype daily to force him to take my money to train me.
Why did I make him feel so harassed?

Because I was tired to be an

Armchair Copywriter

What is an “Armchair Copywriter?”

An Armchair Copywriter can be someone who has read some books (They probably were never completed.)

Some courses purchased (Never made it beyond module 3.)

Watched a lot of VSLs and listened to a lot of books. Lots of sales lettersThey consider themselves to be an author “expert” on direct response copywriting.

They’re the people who give out their top 10 list of copy books. They were never purchased, read, or studied.

I was one of them.

I thought I knew all…

But then I hired my mentor… Something inside of me said that I was full of crap.

Download it immediately Lukas Resheske – Freelance Copywriting Course

After I had handed in my first assignment, he was very pleased. He proved it.

I was sucking. Bad. Like, “Sophomore In College Trying To Look Smart” bad.

I got chewed up. My stuff was released at a Flesch 14th grade Flesch-Kincaid-level, but it wasn’t because the was smart.

It felt awkward. Unusable. Unreadable. Self-Serving junkie drivel that can’t sell discount crack

The pain didn’t stop there, though.

Apart from my assignments, I also had to handle-copy a sales letter.

Every. Single. Day.

The old school way. It is difficult to follow.

Here’s the catch:

If I missed One Day Together with my mentor, we had to send all of the material he gave me to another person. It was worse for another writer than mine.

And f**k if I was going to let that guy win.

So I wrote. Each day for many hours. For 60 days.

I went to India for the wedding of a friend, and I still write every single day.
I attended a Military Training, where I was up at 4:45 each morning and returned at 7 pm at night. I continued to write every day.
In addition, I also wrote assignments. I wrote emails, sales letters, VSLs, articles, landers; you name it.
I also read. I read John Carlton, David Ogilvy, Dan Kennedy, Eugene Schwartz, Eben Pagan, Mike Dillard, etc. Millions of dollars are earned by classic and modern copywriters.
Gradually, I stopped sucking so badly.
My first sales letter was sold for $300. Then, I wrote 4 more. Each one brought 1500% of the initial launch cost. Some of them are still in use today. (Almost 4 years later)
My emails started getting opened. My VSLs started to be watched. Slowly, but surely, my skill level rose to a “Journeyman” level.
I made the decision to offer my services to a small number of people in May 2016.
In the following months, my group attracted 58 members.
They replied:
“What is the One Thingyou would say to someone who is thinking about joining this program?”
These are the testimonials we were able to fit onto this page. There are more than 100. 

I’m not going bullshit to you here.

There are many A-There are many copy course Gurus out right now. After I offered it in May 2016, there are many others offering the same mentorship.

Why should you choose me as your copywriting mentor instead of someone else?

Even for 12 weeks?
Because I give a damn.

I take my student’s success personally. Anything else “gurus” course is going to have content, maybe a forum…

I challenge you to discover! One That gives you the in-This course offers mentorship and depth attention.
While most courses have a 95% dropout rate…and 35% of them don’t even open the package…
My course has a 89% COMPLETION rate…and 97% satisfaction rate (Some students couldn’t complete the training for various reasons…they still loved and recommended the program)
If you know that the next stage in your journey is the help of an experienced mentor…then I’d like to invite you to join me for another round.

Consider yourself a junior writer

Or, you could be. Are you interested in being a freelancer?
Prepare yourself for a Full-time position Direct response companies…
This is the moment to make a decision
I’ll be the one to admit it: I’m not an “A” person.-Yet, list writer. People like John, Eugene, Gary, and other greats still inspire me.
I’m not going to offer you A.-List. This is not the right place for me at the moment.
Here’s the thing: “dirty little secret…”
My first mentor was not A.-List either.
You probably haven’t even heard of him.
He was a master of copy. He wrote it every day. He made me a lean, mean writer from a young punk who believed he knew everything.
Adwords research was my main source of income in 2013. I earned $2k per month.
In 2013, I was living in a 4-bedroom house with 3 drug-addicted, morbidly obese and disgusting roommates. The rent was $500 per month. My wife, dog, and I took care of the rest.
But, 2014 will be the year. From my copy, I made 6 figures per annum.
It was a repeat of the 2015 experience.
2016 was my year of breaking into the multiple six-figures, all thanks to copywriting.-time.
2017 saw us close to half a million.
In 2018, I can now say that I am a “million dollar copywriter” It’s true. You can come a long ways from living in a pitiful place.-hole.
Let me tell you what I offer:
This 12-week mentorship program focuses on copywriting.
It’s intense. Previous students were all a little bit masochistic so they enjoyed it.
You’ll be writing a daily handwritten assignment, 12 actual copywriting assignments, and going through 8 core modules of content.
You’ll also be getting weekly feedback and a weekly live Q&A webinar to ask any questions.
I won’t be nice. The world of a copywriter can be very unpleasant. We are only as good as the next project.
You’ll be out of the Armchair by the end 84 days.
You’ll be fit, muscular, and ready for any challenge.*
*Assuming you actually show up, do the work, get assistance, and generally be the best student possible. AND you communicate your individual needs as a learner/new copywriter

Download it immediately Lukas Resheske – Freelance Copywriting Course

Let’s see what you get.
1) 60-day sales letter/VSL to hand-Copy (priceless).
2) 8 Weekly lessons in copywriting and freelancing. Previous students stated that Module 1 alone was worth 10,000.
3) 8 grades assignments – Professionally critied by me ($997 value per EACH critique).
4) 12 Weekly Hot-Seats where I will break down multiple student assignments or copy. This is an additional $11,964 value at $997 per critique
5) 12 Weekly Q&A Calls (My 1 hour consultations cost $997 each, so this is Another $11,964 value)
6) Professional Copywriting Resources from my years of freelance work (Cost me more than $100,000 to learn…yeah!
Here’s the catch: I cannot take more than 15 people.
It is a lot of work to teach, give feedback and grade each assignment individually.
It will cost you $9000. Honestly, if you can’t afford that in order to up your game to the next level, you’re not right for the program.
I want to know that you are serious and don’t waste your time.
Oh…and I have BONUSES! (Because who copywriter would allow a sales letter to end without a bonus?
#1 Bonus – Everyone who graduates the program (with my seal of approval) has the option to request an interview with several top publishers for in-House copywriting positions. This is an optional role.-If you are interested, please contact us. These are far-flung and not easily accessible.-There are many locations for publishers in the Big 3 niches.
Bonus #2 – Anyone who joins this program is automatically enrolled into my Freelance Copywriting CourseThe course currently costs $1499. This course is great for those who don’t wish to become freelancers. It is how I established myself as a top-notch copywriter in less 2 years.
Bonus #3 – Everyone who joins gets 3 Official Copy Critiques from me, redeemable anytime. Usually, I charge $997 for one critique. But every student gets three from me. These critiques are what I give to publishers earning 8 or 9 figures for their webinars and VSLs. These critiques can be used if you have a large client or if your next promotion is critical.
Value – $2991
#4 Bonus – SOME OF THE COPIED YOU WRITE WILL BE FOR ACTUAL CREDITORS. This is an important task. Your work will be evaluated in the wild. I will be the chief of everything and ensure that it is all up to standard…but this is where you get real-Get world feedback about your stuff. We have an e-Commerce company onboard.-product companies. This will occur towards the end the course. This is subject to availability and timing of the client.
This experience is unique and cannot be found anywhere else.
 Combined with the core content, and the total value of today’s package is astronomical.
 All for a flat fee of $9000
BUT WAIT…I have a surprise for you…

As a Scholarship for action-takers, $2,000 will be shaved off if you pay today in full.

So Paid In Full Students Only Pay $7,000.

For 4 payments of $2.250, you can select a payment plan.

These are the rules.

It is necessary to have some knowledge in copywriting and direct responses.
It doesn’t necessarily mean you should be an expert, but it does not mean you should be a complete novice. If you are new and serious about learning FAST, let me know.
On Monday, class begins June 29th, 2020
If you are looking for excuses, DO NOT SIGN UP.
If you’re not serious about becoming a professional writer, DO NOT SIGN UP.
If you are skeptical, cynical or know everything, DO NOT JOIN
It is clear that this is the right choice for you. Click Here to Get Started

Lukas Resheske - Freelance Copywriting Course

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!