Mitch Hauschildt – Restore Dynamic Stability: Reactive Neuromuscular Training

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Mitch Hauschildt – Restore Dynamic Stability: Reactive Neuromuscular Training

Mitch Hauschildt
54 Minutes
Audio and Video
Sep 01, 2017


Most people have very little awareness of where their body is in space and how it is moving.

You verbally cue while demonstrating an exercise yourself. When they attempt to replicate the movement, you often find that there is significant room for improvement. Though they are actively trying to do the exercise correctly, your verbal cues and demonstrations just aren’t enough.

Most people have a software problem (motor control), not a hardware issue (structure). The key to improving movement quality is feeding the brain and nervous system the right stimulus at the right time. You need to train the brain…and do it often. You need reactive neuromuscular training (RNT).

RNT facilitates the nervous system to first prime and then create quality patterns to make long lasting, permanent changes in our function. This is a great tool for anyone who works with the human body. Training the brain is the most important thing we can do to improve our movement efficiency.

Discover step-by-step how to improve movement quality in a simple way – by stimulating the brain with targeted interventions that are highly effective. Long gone are the days of standing over someone and constantly verbally cueing, trying to get them to squat or lunge more efficiently. RNT will rewire the brain and accelerate motor learning.


Manual – Restore Dynamic Stability (5.9 MB) 64 Pages Available after Purchase


Functional Stability

  • Regional Interdependence
    • Joint by joint approach: mobility vs stability
    • Priorities: mobility before stability

What Often Feels Normal, Looks Abnormal

Increase Motor Control with RNT

  • Reflex Activation
    • Rhythmic stabilization to prime the nervous system
      • Targeted exercises for the knee, trunk and shoulder
  • Exaggerate the mistake to quickly improve function
    • Integrative strategies for squat, split stance and single leg stance

Reconstruct the Default Movement Patterns

  • Progressions for movement efficiency
  • Long lasting impact of kinesthetic guidance
  • Ease of transfer to home exercise program


Mitch Hauschildt's Profile

Mitch Hauschildt Related seminars and products: 6

Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS, has 20 years of experience as an athletic trainer and certified strength and conditioning Specialist. Mr. Hauschildt obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of South Dakota. He serves as the prevention, rehab, and physical performance coordinator at Missouri State University, and has also served as the strength and conditioning coach for both men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball.

Mr. Hauschildt is founder and president of Maximum Training Solutions, LLC, and has worked with thousands of athletes throughout his career, including clients who have won World Series rings, played in the NFL, NBA, MLS, and competed in the Olympics. He is a noted speaker on both a regional and national level and has been published multiple times in professional journals and coaching websites.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Mitch Hauschildt is the owner of Maximum Training Solutions, LLC. He is an adjunct professor at Missouri State University. He receives a speaking honorarium from RockTape. Mr. Hauschildt receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Mitch Hauschildt has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.



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