Travis Stoetzel – The Garage Built Body

$17.00 $47.00 Sale

Travis Stoetzel – The Garage Built Body

The GARAGE BUILT BODY TRAINING SYSTEM is the one and only training program specifically designed to help you build muscle and shred fat in less time then it takes you to watch you favorite TV show! Prepare yourself as after you discover what this system can do, you’re going to transform into a complete machine while ending your frustrations of NOT seeing noticeable and fast results. Seriously though, this kick ass program is designed with the most cutting-edge training principles in mind that will save you a TON of time and money in not forcing you to go to the gym or needing a ton of extra expensive equipment in order to get the results you want. In addition, The Garage Built Body goes well beyond your typical “HIIT” workouts that you see popping up around every corner because not only will GBB help with getting you STRONG as hell, it will also yield some seriously accelerated fat loss helping you construct that chiseled, warrior-like physique.

STOP Stressing And START Seeing The Gains In Ripped Muscle And Powerful Strength You Work Your Ass Off For…With GBB, you’re going to transform your body both physically and mentally.And it’s this kind of program you’d find people putting themselves through in their backyards, dark basements, local playgrounds, hardcore garage gym set up, or in the corner of the globo gym away from all the “normal” fitness folk – someone who loves to push the envelope when it comes to training and pushing their body to the ultimate test.From a high level of conditioning to powerful strength… to lightening-quick agility and insane amounts athleticism…

You’ll build it all and you can do this anywhere with minimal equipment and just a small bit of time!And, with the strategically designed set up of The GBB System, you’ll not have to worry about getting injured or getting run down from lack of programming like most “HIIT” style workouts have as you’re body will become “GARAGE BUILT”, forged to be mobile, agile, and highly athletic. with an engine that doesn’t stop!So, just imagine how it’s going to feel when you look all the progress you’ve made plus see and feel the physical results you achieved – just because you stuck with it, put in the work, and transformed yourself into a GARAGE BUILT BADASS! Pretty damn exciting huh? The GARAGE BUILT BODY is a program that designed around hard work via super intense training and advanced workout set ups that will not only transform you physically, but mentally as well.You’ll be stronger, more conditioned, powerful, and have a tough as hell, “NEVER QUIT” type of mindset.And, if there’s a Coach Who Can Help YOU Forge Yourself Into A Garage Built BADASS – It’s Me!

My name is Travis Stoetzel, Founder of The Forged Athlete Gym and the creator of The GARAGE BUILT Body. I’m a strength coach, online author, Crossfit Competitor, and ex-professional athlete who’s a bit fed up with the facade and direction the fitness industry is currently moving in.I’ve been featured on a lot of highly respected online strength and conditioning blogs and publications as well as physical magazines, and have also authored other highly effective strength and conditioning programs that have been proven effective to work for 1000’s of people around the world.In addition to being a highly sought out strength coach who runs 3 different fitness businesses, I’m also a husband to a loving wife and soon-to-be father (I’ve been going ALL out).

So, when I say I know how to maximize your time in the gym, believe me because I don’t want you spending half your life in it.My family is #1, so having to spend even more time in the gym that I already do in addition to keeping myself in the best shape possible is not an option! Especially with a baby on the way, I’ve got to have my time locked down tight. Instead, with my NEW GBB system, as I mentioned above, I’ve managed to actually cut my training time in half and still stay ripped up and shredded, plus if I don’t feel like traveling all the way to my gym to workout, I can still get in an awesome workout at home right in my backyard or garage gym with my own bodyweight and just a few kettlebells.Let Me Tell You About How To Become “GARAGE BUILT”…First and foremost, the GARAGE BUILT BODY (GBB) requires only a set of kettlebells (or dumbbells), your own bodyweight, a pull up bar, and 30 minutes or less of your time.And you can forget about having to pay for a monthly membership to an overcrowded gym that’s probably at least 20 or more minutes away from your house……As the GBB System is designed around using only a set of kettlebells (or dumbbells), your own bodyweight, and a pull up bar that’s made up of 25 unique workouts that can be followed progressively over 15 weeks that will FORGE YOU into an all around BADASS.I use the word “GARAGE BUILT” because that’s exactly what you’ll become – rough, tough, and as hard as rock — you’ll be able to smash through a brick wall, and demolish any sort of athletic endeavor that happen to get in your way…You’re going to get into top shape from ALL angles because I’m going to help YOU progressively get there overtime. Sprint, run, jump, push, climb, carry, pull, crawl…

You’ll be ready for all out Fitness War if there happens to be one because you’ll be built to last!And whether you compete in sports or do any sort of competitive challenges, you’ll be more then ready to take on anything that comes your way as you’ll be in the BEST shape of your life.And you’re going to sit back and chuckle at those that continue to crank out their “normal” and “random” HIIT training routines, still working their butts off 6-7 days a week while continuing to stay the same.And in the end, when you go out in public, people will be able to tell you’re “Garage Built” by just the way you look plus walk around and carry yourself.Here’s Some Of The “Nasty-Little Secrets” You’re Going To Be Unleashing Within The Garage Built Body… Why just doing “High Intensity Interval Training” isn’t enough to produce the results you want and if that’s all you focus on doing will only get you WEAK and SMALL in the end. How specialized “Density Acclimation Training” will help explode your gains in athletic muscle and strength, giving you the power you want and need in order to transform into a human wrecking machine. How adding in a special type of “Strength-Repeat Sets” within your workout routines will unleash new gains in explosive muscle and beast-like athletic strength so that you can last longer within your workouts while continuing train heavy from start to finish Why you’ll not only shred fat off your body all while gaining more muscle and strength because you’ll understand how to move through the progressively build “LM2” method of programming within GBB…Going A Bit Into More Detail, you’ll going to uncover…

The proper progressions of strategic interval training that will explode the fat shredding potential and performance of everything else you do, not just to burn fat! The progressive and most effective way to do interval resistance training and why doing it The Garage Built Way, you’ll not only shred fat off your body, you’ll become a highly conditioned machine… How to embrace “The SUCK Factor” which will serve as another important key in pushing you above and beyond your typical results The perfect program design set up for a shredded and cut up physique that’s also highly functional and athletic – not bulky, huge, and puffy like a bodybuilder or skinny and weak like a runner… How to DOUBLE your gains in highly explosive strength and power all while cutting your workout time down in half (in fact you’ll never train more than 24 mins!)…

Lethal Combos of advanced bodyweight training and explosive Kettlebell movements that will not only get you more athletic and functional – but will improve your overall strength and endurance The “Speed-Shred” method of strength and cardio infused training – and why most “HIIT” only cardio based programs will only get you so far… 2 Unique and Highly Effective 3 minute “Garage Built Battle Prep Routines” that will not only help you get ready to crush your routines, but will build up more joint mobility and stability… while also increasing your overall athleticism, and helping you shred more fat… “The Lightening Quick Cool Down Routine” that pretty much NO ONE does which will help speed up the recovery process so you can get back into the gym faster to train harder for more continued progress.These important training approaches when properly blended together into the 15 Week Progressively-Designed Garage Built Body Training System will be the “go-to” program for people wanting transform their physique, unleash untapped strength and muscle, and most importantly – Become GARAGE BUILT all in LESS time then it takes for you to watch your favorite TV Show…

And in addition to saving time and money, you’ll not need excessive access to a ton of equipment! In fact, all you’ll need are a set of kettlebells (or dumbbells), your own body weight and a pull up bar….

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