AWAI – 12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery
AWAI – 12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery
Application for Enrollment in the Brand-New B2B Protégé Training Program
As a member of the protégé program, I get the opportunity to be mentored and trained by Master B2B Copywriter, Steve Slaunwhite
YES, I want to be one of the 75 lucky writers who get to be mentored and coached by Master B2B Copywriter, Steve Slaunwhite. With his help and guidance, I’ll have the professional skills and knowledge needed to write for the many B2B companies that desperately need well-trained writers.
I’ll be able to receive this training in 12 weeks. After successfully completing the program, I’ll be awarded the prestigious Certificate of Completion.
Please sign me up for 12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery so I can learn hands-on from Steve Slaunwhite and accelerate my freelance writing career.
I’m entitled to the following benefits and materials as one of Steve’s B2B writing protégés:
- 10 live training sessions where I’ll meet with Steve and fellow protégé members once a week and be offered his guidance, insights, and tips directly.
- I get to “zero in” on (and quickly master) the specific knowledge I need to build a B2B copywriting skill set that’s rock solid.
- I’ll benefit from a powerful “interactive format” where I can follow the sessions, exercises, and see live examples in real time right on my computer screen.
- I’ll have the opportunity to ask any and all of the questions I might have — both during the 10 live training sessions and throughout the week on the exclusive 12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery participant forum.
- I’ll be on a fast-track schedule, able to complete the program in 10 weeks, yet still be ready to take on real paying clients before I even finish!
- Plus, I’ll have two weeks dedicated to practicing my newly developed B2B copywriting and content skills.
- I’ll get five different practice assignments and be able to submit up to three for Steve and fellow B2B expert, Charlotte Hicks Crockett to give me personal feedback and input.
But that’s not all. I’ll also …
- Get ANYTIME access to Steve by email for the duration of the program …
- Full access to the Protégé Training Online Library of Resources …
- Hear expert guests coming in to discuss particularly strong B2B markets and how to succeed in each space!
- Not worry about missing a session because every one is recorded and catalogued and made available to me on the members-only homepage.
- Participate in the members-only Facebook Forum where I can ask questions and get help from my protégé colleagues.
And as my free bonus, I’ll receive full access to Secrets of Writing High-Performance Business-to-Business Copy, valued at $490. This is one of Steve’s most popular programs, but I get it free of charge.
By the time I finish 12 Weeks to B2B Copywriting Mastery, I’ll be ready to take on numerous new clients and kick off a lucrative, successful B2B writing career.
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!