Pamela Tabor – Forensic Nursing: The Harsh Realities in Every Patient Care Setting
Pamela Tabor – Forensic Nursing: The Harsh Realities in Every Patient Care Setting
- Faculty:
- Pamela Tabor
- Duration:
- Full Day
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 06, 2016
- Interventions for a variety of abused/ victimized patient populations
- Differentiate intentional vs. unintentional injuries
- Child abuse/neglect: Abusive head trauma, unexplained infant death, SIDS & infanticide
- The sexual assault patient: Evidence collection & documentation tips
- Intimate partner violence: Case file construction that is ready for litigation
- Your malpractice insurance & personal/professional stalking concerns
- Fascinating case studies & provoking photographs
Increasing violence and litigation are rampant in our society. Every nurse must have a baseline concept of the prevalent types of abuse/maltreatment in order to provide compassionate and comprehensive care, as well as brace themselves for the inevitable exposure to the legal system (civil, criminal, human rights). Forensic nursing is an exploding and exciting sub-specialty of nursing. Many find this not only an interest, but a compelling method of holistic patient care. Acquiring a distinctive skill set based on evidence-based practice allows nurses to make valuable and unique contributions in and beyond the typical practice setting. The content presented in this one-day course will equip you to identify and intervene with abused/victimized patients, learn from valuable assessment tools, review various charting examples and take a close look at a plethora of photos and case studies. Very few nurses were trained in legal matters; therefore, this is a critical knowledge update that addresses current trends in risk management and application to practice in order to mitigate negative outcomes.
Webcast Manual (2.67 MB) | 148 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Clinically Relevant Identification of Intentional vs. Unintentional Injuries
- Purpose of correct injury identification, terminology and charting
- Blunt and sharp force trauma
- Gunshot wounds
- Preserving evidence from trauma patients
- Documentation examples and assessment/ charting tools
Trending Issues in Child Abuse and Neglect
- Abusive head trauma
- The five cardinal rules of bruising
- Unexplained infant deaths, SIDS and infanticide
- Mechanisms of injury
- Ophthalmic, dermatological and skeletal findings
- Intervention and prevention strategies
Advanced Skills to Assess the Sexual Assault Patient
- Dynamics of sexual assault
- Case studies: Evidence collection and charting examples
- Strangulation: Biomechanics, physical signs and symptoms, documentation
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Recognition, Evidence-Based Practices and Case File Construction
- Populations affected by IPV: Adults, Elders,
- Teenagers, Pregnant Women
- Direct and indirect indicators of IPV
- One of the biggest issues in healthcare: The generational and societal cycle of violence
- Evidence-based tools for identification
- Developing a case file that is ready for litigation
Trending Risk Management Issues
- Malpractice insurance: Help or hindrance
- Mandated Reporting: Not optional and what you need to understand
- Healthcare serial killers: Everyone’s responsibility and liability
- Stalking: Personal and professional
Vicarious Traumatization (VT)
- Burn out, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder
- Factors associated with developing VT
- Evidence-based intervention and prevention strategies
Pamela Tabor, DNP-Forensics, AFN-BCÂ Related seminars and products: 3
Board of Directors of the IAFN
Pamela Tabor, DNP-Forensics, AFN-BC, has extensive experience in the field of forensic sciences, which is evident through her many accomplishments and pursuits. Currently, Pamela works as a consultant to the Department of Defense, serving as an expert in sexual assault trials and providing lectures and workshops from local to international venues. Additionally, she is a certified law enforcement instructor and provides multidisciplinary trainings on topics including pediatric fatalities, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Scene Investigation and sexual assault.
Pamela is devoted to advancing nurses’ understanding and involvement in forensics practice and has developed two highly recognized programs: Arkansas Infant & Child Death Review Program and the first hospital-based sexual assault unit in Arkansas. Pamela was named inaugural director for both programs and received recognition from the governor. Pamela has testified before the legislature on numerous occasions and has been invited to the Pentagon to consult. She is serving her second term as Director at Large for the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) and earned the Distinguished Fellow recognition in 2015. Pamela has recently authored the chapter on death investigation in the Core Curriculum for Forensic Nurses and has edited and contributed to two editions of the Healthcare Protocol Manual for Sexual Assault. Pamela also worked on the Intimate Partner Guidelines, and is currently in the strangulation protocol workgroup, both with the IAFN. She received her doctorate in forensic nursing practice from the University of TN Health Sciences Center and her MNSc and BSN from the University of AR Medical Sciences Center. Additionally, she is a board certified Advance Forensic Nurse.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Dr. Pamela Tabor is the Director of Arkansas Infant and Children Death Review Program. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Dr. Pamela Tabor is the Director at Large for the International Association of Forensic Nurses.
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