J. Eric Gentry – Forward-Facing Trauma Therapy: A Treatment Framework for Lasting Change

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J. Eric Gentry – Forward-Facing Trauma Therapy: A Treatment Framework for Lasting Change

J. Eric Gentry, Ph.D., D.A.A.E.T.S.
6 Hours 13 Minutes
Audio and Video
Nov 19, 2020


Hyper-aroused from a traumatic past, your client’s threat response sounds off stridently when there is little to no danger. It leaves them in a constant reactive state; feeling out of control and uncomfortable in their own skin.

But many traditional treatments fail to give clients the tools they need to face these challenges of the here-and-now, instead requiring a focus on past traumatic memories that can set off that threat response again and again. Instead of gaining control over their body’s reactions and lives, clients can deteriorate and lose hope.

The Forward-Facing Therapy Framework can help you to move clients forward so they can flourish in the present!

Forward Facing Therapy is a simple treatment protocol that gives you the skills and clinical tools you need to interrupt the involuntary physical and cognitive engagement of the threat response and restore their sense of safety, intentionality and hope! It can be used as a stand-alone or incorporated with other treatment methods you already use.

Eric Gentry, PhD, LMCH, DAAETS, trauma expert, trainer and author, has trained thousands of mental health professionals like you on how to make trauma treatment more effective. Join him as he shows you how to integrate this framework into your clinical practice so you can:

  • Quickly lessen clients distress and improve cognitive functioning
  • Reestablish their comfort in their bodies
  • Teach clients to self-regulate their own autonomic nervous system
  • Restore clients’ sense of safety, agency and hope

This is one training you don’t want to miss!

Bring the Forward-Facing framework into your trauma work and help clients find lasting healing and positive treatment outcomes!


Manual – Forward-Facing Trauma Therapy (17.2 MB) 81 Pages Available after Purchase


Trauma & Traumatic Stress: What Every Therapist Needs to Know

  • The myth of stress
  • How stress affects the mind and body
  • Neurocience of traumatic stress
  • Causes Trauma & Traumatic Stress
  • What Heals Trauma & Traumatic Stress
  • Understand the research
  • Limitations and potential risks

Essential Elements of Trauma Treatment: The Ground Work for Successful Trauma Treatment

  • “Active Ingredients” for Effective Trauma Treatment
    • A good therapeutic relationship
    • Self-regulation/relaxation technology
    • Safe exposure
    • Cognitive restructuring/psychoeducation

Assessment & Staged Treatment Approach for Trauma: Integrating an Empowerment & Resilience Treatment Structure

  • Preparation & Relationship
    • Positive Expectancy
    • Feedback Informed Treatment
  • Skills Building and Cognitive Restructuring
    • Tools for Hope (An “Owner’s Manual” for the ANS)
    • Self-Regulation: Neuroception & Interoception
    • Skills for Self-regulation
  • Desensitization & Integration
    • In vivo vs. Imaginal Exposure
    • Forward-Facing Trauma Therapy & In vivo Exposure
  • Posttraumatic Growth & Resilience
    • Intentionality
    • Construct “Documents of Intention”
    • Healing the Moral Wound


J. Eric Gentry Ph.D., D.A.A.E.T.S.'s Profile

J. Eric Gentry Ph.D., D.A.A.E.T.S. Related seminars and products: 14

Compassion Unlimited

J. Eric Gentry, Ph.D., D.A.A.E.T.S., is an internationally recognized leader in the study and treatment of traumatic stress and compassion fatigue. His Ph.D. is from Florida State University, where he studied with Professor Charles Figley – a pioneer of these two fields. In 1997, he co-developed the Accelerated Recovery Program (ARP) for Compassion Fatigue-the world’s only evidence-based treatment protocol for compassion fatigue. In 1998, he introduced the Certified Compassion Fatigue Specialist Training and Compassion Fatigue Prevention & Resiliency Training. These two trainings have demonstrated treatment effectiveness for the symptoms of compassion fatigue, and he published these effects in several journals. He has trained over 100,000 health professionals over the past 20 years.

He is the co-author of Trauma Practice: Tools for Stabilization and Recovery-a critically acclaimed text on the treatment of traumatic stress. He is also the author of the groundbreaking Forward-Facing® Trauma Therapy: Healing the Moral Wound. He is the co-author of Forward-Facing® Professional Resilience: Resolution and Prevention of Burnout, Toxic stress and Compassion Fatigue, Unlocking the Keys to Human Resilience, and Transformative Care: A Trauma-Focused Approach to Caregiving.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: J. Eric Gentry receives compensation as Owner of Compassion Unlimited. He receives royalties as an author for Hogrefo & Huber Publishing. Dr. Gentry receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: J. Eric Gentry has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.

Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/forwardfacing-trauma-therapy-treatment-framework-lasting-change-68083
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/KvStA

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