John B. Comegno II – Special Education Law in New Jersey
John B. Comegno II – Special Education Law in New Jersey
- Faculty:
- John B. Comegno II
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 34 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Oct 05, 2016
- Transgender rights: How does emerging case law and new federal direction affect your schools?
- Are service animals a Special Education consideration?
- Balance the needs of the students with legal compliance and resources
- Develop a data-driven, bullet proof IEP and avoid costly mistakes
- Leave this seminar with concrete best practices to ensure compliance with legal mandates
One of the greatest challenges that you face today is ensuring compliance and implementation of the IDEA. With the many recent changes in both federal and state special education regulations, it is essential that you not only have an awareness of the changes taking place, but also have an understanding of how these changes impact your day-to-day activities and the students you serve. A cursory knowledge of the law or applying common sense does not begin to protect school districts and professionals against the potential legal and financial consequences of misinterpreting special education regulations.
Watch this recording for the latest information on developments in the reauthorized IDEA and gain practical advice on how to effectively implement IDEA requirements in order to ensure compliance with the regulations while meeting the needs of students with disabilities. Find answers to the following questions and many more.
- What are the current Best Practices?
- How can data assist in IEP defense and litigation?
- How can I better support our schools, teachers and special education staff?
Manual (1.21 MB) | 50 Pages | Available after Purchase |
The Rules: Legal Basis and Policy Basics
- Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
- Basis and Goals
- Development of the Law
- Compare/Contrast Laws
- Section 504
- Special Education Considerations
- General Education Particulars
- Who’s eligible, and who’s not (And why it’s critically important to know the difference)
- Criteria best practices
- Differences between Section 504 and IDEA eligibility
LRE is Not Just a Place
- Does placement determine IEP?
- IEP best practice considerations
- Smart Goals and Objectives
- Dyslexia is not (any longer) a four letter word
- The biggest ticket
Rules for Identification and Evaluation
- Evaluation Options
- The IEE is not a blank check
- How to properly (and efficiently) address Independent Evaluation requests
Staying out of Trouble; Simple Ways to Avoid Due Process
- Comegno Combat Rules
- Practical Suggestions
- Capitalizing on District Resources
- What wins cases? (Or more importantly, how can we best address student needs?)
- Data
Discipline and Behavioral Intervention
- Constitutional Limitations
- General Education Rules and Regulations
- Regulatory Concerns
- MDs, FBAs, and other Great, Important Acronyms
- Everybody loves a pony
- How (and when) are service animals a Special Education issue?
- Tips
Effective and Compliant IEPs
- Regulatory Requirements
- Practical Considerations
- Who? When? How? How Long?
- Consent considerations
- They need to sign it. (Right? I mean, don’t they?)
Ethical Considerations
- Student Records Issues
- “Need to Know”
- Rules; FERPA, IDEA, State Rules
- Team Involvement
- Involvement of Teacher and Others
- Transgender issues
- He wants to use which bathroom?!
- Scenarios
- Case Law
John B. Comegno II, Esquire Related seminars and products: 4
Comegno Law Group
John B. Comegno II, Esquire, founder and president of the Comegno Law Group, P.C., is recognized as a leading school law practitioner, representing public and independent schools through the Northeast region. He is a member of the bars of the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and has litigated special education disputes across the United States. He lectures to professional groups throughout the region and regularly appears as a keynote speaker for national groups across the country.
Mr. Comegno has broad experience in the area of special education and Section 504 litigation. He regularly mediates special education disputes and tries Due Process Hearings. Working closely with directors of special education, case managers and members of child study and IEP teams to quickly deal with special education issues on a day-to-day basis, Mr. Comegno has extensive experience dealing with disability-specific legal issues and is accustomed to providing quick and thorough legal assistance. He provides counsel regarding the eligibility, evaluation, and classification process.
Mr. Comegno also has extensive experience in handling general, day-to-day student issues. These range from compulsory education, student safety and disciplinary incidents, to constitutional concerns involving free speech and religious expression. In addition to handling union negotiations, Mr. Comegno is involved in a variety of labor and employment issues including confidentiality and reporting requirements for teachers and staff and sexual harassment in the school setting, including teacher-to-teacher, teacher-to-student and student-to-student harassment.
Drawing from hundreds of lectures to thousands of educational practitioners across the country, John’s lectures are equal parts legal/practical guidance and humor, wit and entertainment. Attendees regularly follow John’s lectures on an annual basis and report that his lecture style not only well-informs but also engages and entertains.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: John Comegno II is president of Comegno Law Group PC. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: John Comegno II is a member of the American Bar Association; and the New Jersey State Bar Association
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