Elana Rosenbaum – 2-Day Certificate Course: MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

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Elana Rosenbaum – 2-Day Certificate Course: MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Elana Rosenbaum
2 Full Days
Audio and Video
Oct 25, 2018


A Note From Your Speaker

I remember working as a psychotherapist in a non-profit HMO, seeing client after client. They were anxious, panic-attack prone or just unable to cope with stress. They had seen physicians with little success. I was of no help. I was stuck in a rut treating symptoms and focusing on what was wrong rather than treating them as an individual and reinforcing what was right.

Desperate to find something better for myself and my clients, I walked into a meditation class with the most amazing, dynamic and confident teacher. After one session I was more energetic, better able to cope, and found myself more attentive with my clients.

This caring and incredible instructor was Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

That was 30 years ago and since then, along with the help of Jon Kabat-Zinn, I have been able to transform my life and my practice, using these very principles I discovered at that yoga class back in Worcester, Massachusetts. I became an instructor alongside Jon, started my own practice, and was beginning to see incredible treatment outcomes with my clients. I was feeling energetic and confident in myself and my clinical work.

Then in 1995 I was diagnosed with cancer. I put Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to the test and experienced first-hand how to handle the pain and stress of chemotherapy and all that goes with a stem cell transplant.

My personal and clinical experience with this evidence-based approach led to the development of mindfulness-based interventions for bone marrow transplants at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Emory University and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction changed my life and has changed the life of many of my clients. I want to share these strategies with you.

These tools are powerful and simple. To see for yourself, go to www.pesi.com/elana where I have posted a FREE technique for you to use with your clients. Go now, it will only be available for the next two weeks, and if you like it … I hope to see you soon at my workshop.

Here’s to healing,

Elana Rosenbaum


Manual – Certificate Course: MBSR (9.14 MB) 96 Pages Available after Purchase


Foundational Principles

  • The Origin of MBSR
  • Goals and Principles
  • Populations Served
  • Assessment and Orientation
  • MBSR Ground Rules
  • Teacher competencies

The Curriculum – Themes

  • Class 1-3 Grounding Mindfulness in the Body
  • Class 4-5 Stress Reaction versus Response
  • Class 6-7 Communication and Interpersonal Mindfulness
  • Class 8 Summation and Bringing Mindfulness Home
  • All Day Session

Establishing Mindfulness Practices

  • Defining Mindfulness
  • Introducing Mindfulness Experientially and Verbally
  • 7 Essential Attitudes in Establishing Mindfulness

Establishing Intention and Commitment to Practice

  • Language – Using Gerunds and the Vernacular
  • Leading an Awareness Exercise: The Raisin

Guidance in Formal Mindfulness Practices

  • The Body Scan
  • The Sitting Meditation with Awareness of Breath
  • Yoga
  • Walking Meditation
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation
  • Practice in Leading a Mindfulness Meditation

Applying Mindfulness to Daily Life

  • Creating Home Practices
  • Use of Homework
  • The S.T.O.P.
  • The Three Minute Breathing Space
  • Awareness Exercises

Clinical Issues: Working with Difficulties

  • The Process of Inquiry including Role Playing and Practice in Inquiry
  • Working with Feeling
  • Working with Pain and Stress
  • Working with Anxiety and Panic
  • Application of Neuro-Science Research

Adaptations of MBSR for:

  • Depression
  • Addictions
  • Children and Adolescents

Inter-personal Mindfulness and Communication

  • Akido for MBSR
  • Use of Dyads
  • Group Process
  • Interface with Psychotherapy

Limitations of Research and Potential Risks

  • Various definitions of mindfulness
  • Research validity and reliability
  • Client may experience initial increase in symptoms
  • Special considerations for severe mental illness


Elana Rosenbaum, MS, LICSW's Profile

Elana Rosenbaum, MS, LICSW Related seminars and products: 5

Senior Teacher. Mindfulness Coach

Elana Rosenbaum, MS, LICSW, has been integrating mindfulness with psychotherapy for over 30 years. She is a leader in the clinical application of mindfulness meditation to cancer care and is a pioneering teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the Center for Mindfulness, the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She is the author of The Heart of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: A MBSR Guide for Clinicians and Clients (PESI, 2017), Here for Now: Living Well with Cancer through Mindfulness (Satya House Publications, 2007) and Being Well (even when you’re sick): Mindfulness Practices for People Living With Cancer and Other Serious Illness (Shambhala, 2012).

Elana has a private practice in psychotherapy in Worcester, Massachusetts and is a sought after mindfulness coach, teacher, speaker, workshop leader, and research consultant. She has been featured in “Chronicle” on CBS and mentioned in many magazine articles including Yoga Journal, Health, Coping, and the PBS audio series, “Walking through the Storm”. She is currently working on another book, a workbook of mindfulness exercises for optimal living.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Elana Rosenbaum maintains a private practice. She receives royalties as an author for Shambhala and Satya House Publications. Ms. Rosenbaum receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Nonfinancial: Elana Rosenbaum has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.


Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/2day-certificate-mbsr-mindfulness-based-stress-reduction-35195
Archive: https://archive.ph/fAXS4

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