Julien Klepatch – Dapp 30
Julien Klepatch – Dapp 30
Your Instructor
Hi! My name is Julien and I am the instructor of EatTheBlocks Pro.
I am a senior Blockchain software engineer. I used to work in Finance, and I switched to software development 6 years ago.
For the past 3 years, I have been building Dapps and Solidity smart contracts for several Ethereum and ICOs projects, including Lendingblock, an institutional crypto lending exchange.
I run EatTheBlocks, a youtube channel for Ethereum developers. I have also published a Blockchain course for Manning.
I also contribute to the code of Drizzle and I spoke at TruffleCon 2019 on Drizzle.
I also have extensive experience with Nodejs, Javascript & React, having worked as a full-stack software engineer for the last 6 years.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat this course will teach you?
StartWho is this course for?
StartHow to use this course? (IMPORTANT!)
StartSupported operating systems
StartInstallation of required tools & libraries
StartSupport & Resources
Day 1 – Simple smart contract
StartSmart contract (13:45)
StartTests (10:54)
StartFrontend (25:15)
Day 2 – Hello World
StartSmart contract (10:06)
StartTests (5:03)
StartFrontend (11:30)
Day 3 – Simple storage
StartSmart contract – part I (11:58)
StartSmart contract – part II (5:54)
StartTests (3:34)
StartFrontend (18:37)
Day 4 – Advanced storage
StartSmart contract (10:32)
StartTests (12:16)
StartFrontend (39:36)
Day 5 – Crud
StartSmart contract – part I (9:11)
StartSmart contract – part II (4:52)
StartSmart contract – part III (4:36)
StartSmart contract – part IV (6:02)
StartTests (15:51)
StartFrontend (59:45)
Day 6 – Ether Wallet
StartSmart contract – part I (4:18)
StartSmart contract – part II (5:54)
StartSmart contract – part III (6:46)
StartTests (22:49)
Day 7 – Split payment
StartSmart contract – part I (5:33)
StartSmart contract – part II (7:00)
StartTests (15:21)
Day 8: Deed
StartSmart contract (11:38)
StartTests (11:39)
Day 9: Deed multi-payouts
StartSmart contract – part I (4:29)
StartSmart contract – part II (4:10)
StartSmart contract – part III (6:15)
StartSmart contract – part IV (6:22)
StartTests (11:45)
Day 10: Escrow
StartSmart contract – part I (1:26)
StartSmart contract – part II (10:16)
StartSmart contract – part III (5:23)
StartSmart contract – part IV (5:15)
StartTests (13:40)
StartFrontend (15:27)
Day 11: String manipulation
StartSmart contract (10:28)
StartTests (2:57)
StartFrontend (13:02)
Day 12: Fibonacci
StartSmart contract (7:27)
StartTests (2:08)
StartFrontend (0:40)
Day 13: Multisig wallet
StartSmart contract – part I (2:18)
StartSmart contract – part II (7:37)
StartSmart contract – part III (14:06)
StartTests (12:39)
StartFrontend (21:33)
Day 14: Voting
StartSmart contract – part I (6:06)
StartSmart contract – part II (8:59)
StartSmart contract – part III (12:29)
StartTests (16:19)
StartFrontend (32:03)
Day 15: DAO
StartSmart contract – part I (3:10)
StartSmart contract – part II (10:56)
StartSmart contract – part III (10:34)
StartSmart contract – part IV (14:50)
StartSmart contract – part V (16:52)
StartTests (23:21)
StartFrontend (0:31)
Day 16: Loan state machine
StartSmart contract – part I (13:14)
StartSmart contract – part II (12:18)
StartTests (0:35)
StartFrontend (0:49)
Day 17: Event organization
StartSmart contract – part I (14:46)
StartSmart contract – part II (9:07)
StartTests (0:34)
StartFrontend (0:35)
Day 18: Lottery
StartSmart contract – part I (10:52)
StartSmart contract – part II (20:59)
StartTests (1:26)
StartFrontend (1:21)
Day 19: Fomo3D
StartSmart contract – part I (15:07)
StartSmart contract – part II (16:08)
StartTests (Unpublished)
StartFrontend (Unpublished)
Day 20: Rock paper scissors
StartSmart contract – part I (12:21)
StartSmart contract – part II (13:26)
StartSmart contract – part III (15:46)
StartTests (0:36)
StartFrontend (2:11)
Day 21: ERC20 token
StartSmart contract (28:23)
StartFrontend (21:56)
Day 22: ICO
StartSmart contract (40:00)
StartFrontend (16:17)
Day 23: ERC721 token
StartSmart contract – part I (16:35)
StartSmart contract – part II (52:24)
StartFrontend (1:45)
Day 24: Crypto-kitties game
StartSmart contract (37:59)
StartFrontend (14:10)
Day 25: Twitter
StartSmart contract (42:02)
StartFrontend (Unpublished)
Day 26: Ebay
StartSmart contract (42:02)
StartFrontend (Unpublished)
Day 27: Tinder
StartSmart contract (44:52)
StartTests (Unpublished)
StartFrontend (Unpublished)
Day 28: Arbitrage trading with Dex + Oracle Pattern
StartSmart contract (45:40)
StartTests (Unpublished)
StartFrontend (Unpublished)
Day 29: Assembly
StartSmart contract – Beginner (25:44)
StartSmart contract – Advanced (12:35)
Day 30: Decentralized Exchange for ERC20 (Beta)
StartArchitecture of Decentralized Exchanges
StartSpecifications of our Decentralized Exchange
StartTech stack we will use
StartSmart contract – 1 – Token registry (4:01)
StartSmart contract – 2 – Wallet (6:57)
StartSmart contract – 3 – Integration with Dai (3:49)
StartSmart contract – 4 – ERC20 tokens Mocks (1:46)
StartSmart contract – 5 – Limit orders & orderbook (12:52)
StartSmart contract – 6 – Market orders & order matching algorithm (17:12)
StartSmart contract – 7 – Prevent integer overflow bug (8:13)
StartSmart contract – 8 – List orders
StartSmart contract – 9 – List tokens
StartTests – 1 – Wallet
StartTests – 2 – Limit orders
StartTests – 3 – Market orders
StartPotential improvements & edge cases
Bonus 1: DeFi (Decentralized Finance) Programming
StartIntroduction to DeFi (12:07)
StartBuilding Blocks of DeFi (10:45)
StartDai (28:28)
StartUniswap (20:32)
StartCompound (29:02)
StartGnosis (36:06)
Bonus 2: Smart contract security
Start1. Overflow / underflow – problem (7:23)
Start2. Overflow / underflow – solution (6:40)
Start3. Default function visibility – problem (3:35)
Start4. Default function visibility – solution (3:27)
Start5. Front-running – problem (5:52)
Start6. Front-running – solution (4:20)
Start7. Re-entrancy attack – problem (4:10)
Start8. Re-entrancy attack – solution (3:28)
Bonus 3: Smart contract debugging
Start1. Debugging Calls vs Transactions (1:42)
Start2. Syntax, runtime and logic errors (7:14)
Start3. Debugging with syntax highlighting (10:00)
Start4. Types of runtime errors (2:59)
Start5. Debugging out of gas errors (6:55)
Start6. Debugging revert and not-an-opcode errors (7:23)
Start7. Inspect storage with calls and returns (5:48)
Start8. Debugging with require revert (8:36)
Start9. Debugging with events (9:30)
Start10. Debugging with remix debugger (10:28)
Start11. Debugging with remix debugger advanced (7:55)
Bonus 4: Drizzle
StartIntroduction to Drizzle (48:07)
StartAdvanced Drizzle (47:39)
Bonus 5: Find your first Blockchain Job
StartJob boards for Blockchain jobs
StartSolidity Interview Preparation – Easy questions (15:50)
StartSolidity Interview Preparation – Intermediate questions (17:19)
StartSolidity Interview Preparation – Difficult questions (8:14)
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!