Aslen Claymore – The Social Circle Generator
Aslen Claymore – The Social Circle Generator
A Step-By-Step System For Creating The Social Life Of Your Dreams
Attention single men who want to enjoy having cool friends, fun things to do, and an endless supply of available women (WITHOUT the awkwardness of approaching women and risking being rejected over and over again)…
How A Desperate, Scrawny Nerd From India Discovered A Rejection-Proof Formula That Feeds You An Endless Supply Of Single Women For Friendship, Dating, And More!
If You’re Finally Ready To Have A Great Social Life (Where The Options With Women Are Endless), Then This Shocking Formula Will Change Your Life And Make You The Envy Of All Your Male Buddies!
Dear friend,
How would you like to suddenly have more female friends, lovers, and girlfriends than you could even have time for? You see, most men try to get girlfriends and build their social lives in ways that:
- Take too much time
- Lead to disappointing results
- Involve too much risk (who wants to approach tons of women and get rejected by most of them?)
- And leave you feeling discouraged and hopeless while other guys get all the girls
That’s why I believe you’re going to love this. My name is Aslen Claymore, and my friend “D” has a crazy story about how he ended up having a ridiculous amount of single women in his life. He’s got a social circle that’s overflowing with hot women, and many of them are trying to get him on dates regularly. On top of that, he has a whole slew of high-quality friends that he shares fun experiences with.
And he’s not a typical guy that would normally “get” lots of women. Listen, if you’ve ever struggled to “get out there” and meet women, and if you’d like to have more of them in your life, then it’s absolutely critical that you read this letter now.
Here’s the scoop: D was one of the most unpopular kids in his school. He literally had only ONE friend throughout all of high school. He was a scrawny Indian kid who got picked on and bullied almost every day. He didn’t even go on his first date until he was 21. His social skills were far below average, and being a foreigner with brown skin just made things even worse for him.
He knew that he’d have to find another way to meet women and make friends, and so he began studying people who were socially successful (not just with the opposite sex, but in business environments as well). He extracted some of the most potent and powerful strategies from these people and tested them in his own life. He figured that, if those techniques and methods worked for them, that he could use them too.
His results are over-the-top amazing. He’s gone on to use these strategies to build a lifestyle where he travels the world and builds a social circle from scratch in every new country he moves to, even in Southeast Asia where he knew absolutely no one (at first). People in these places often comment that they are shocked at how quickly and easily he’s able to make friends and find women who wants to date and sleep with him. It all seems like magic.
But it’s not magic at all, and it has nothing to do with him. It has everything to do with this incredible system he’s pieced together. It’s a system that will work for any man who can follow simple instructions and take a few easy steps. He not only uses this system to get all the dates he could ever dream of, but he’s also created his own successful startup and attracted the attention of investors… all because of his newfound social skills and this simple system for building a social circle that grows on its own.
And listen, your story may not be exactly like his, but if you’ve ever:
- Sat home alone on a weekend and wondered why everyone else is out having all the fun
- Wondered why other guys (who are no better than you) have girlfriends and you don’t
- Felt unsure of where to start in order to have a great social life with high-quality friends
- Wasted time with disappointing activities like online dating and going to bars and gotten little or no results
- Felt lost and lonely and wondered if you’d ever find a great woman to be in a relationship with
Then you’re going to enjoy learning about:
The Weird Little System That Turned
D’s Entire Social Life Upside Down!
Most guys approach their social and dating lives with the mindset of a hunter. They think they should go out there and find a woman, meet her, and somehow get her to want to date him. Have you ever tried it?
Going out night after night, seeing a woman you’re attracted to, wanting to approach, but not taking action because the fear of rejection (and not knowing what to say) keeps you frozen in place. Or maybe you’ve tried online dating. Maybe you’ve sent some messages to women and gotten either lukewarm responses or no responses at all. And if some of them did write back, maybe they didn’t turn into anything after the first few messages or dates.
It sucks, doesn’t it?
Dating for single men just plain sucks… when you do it the old way. But it doesn’t have to be this way. D’s approach to dating is completely different. He had to come up with something different, because he didn’t have all the stuff needed to use the “hunter and gatherer” method of attracting women. He discovered that if you take a more agricultural approach, you end up with far more options…
And You Get A LOT More Dates In The Process!
Here’s how it works: Instead of going out and trying to “get” women to date you, it’s better to build a social life that single women (and cool guys) want to be a part of. Then you end up being the center of your social circle and women automatically find you more attractive because you’re the leader of your own little tribe.
D never thought he could do something like this. Remember, this is a skinny, nerdy, Indian kid who isn’t classically good-looking and doesn’t have a lot of money or status. And yet he gets results that are typically reserved only for celebrities!
Once D showed me his system, showed me how it works, and most importantly… showed me the INSANE results he was getting with the opposite sex (he’s constantly surrounded by gorgeous women), I was blown away. I knew I had to ask him to write everything down and create a system I could share with my readers.
And that’s why we created:
The Social Circle Generator
It’s a complete course that walks you through all the steps of:
- Developing a more magnetic personality (while still being your authentic self)
- Improving your appearance and becoming more sexually desirable to women
- Getting rid of old thought patterns that currently prevent you from having what you want with women
- Learning conversation techniques that make you more fascinating so people want to get to know you
- Building your social circle from scratch (it’s faster and easier than you realize)
- Creating and hosting your own events that draw women to you effortlessly and automatically
- Having a social media profile that also attracts more women to you like a magnet
- Making female friends and then turning them into lovers
- And much more!
The entire course is laid out in easy-to-watch, high-quality HD videos that walk you through D’s entire process. The course builds you up step-by-step into the kind of man that cool guys and attractive single women want to be around.
Here’s a small sample of exactly what you’ll discover in this unique program:
- Revealed: Conversational Basketball – D’s most powerful conversation technique. If you’ve ever had a conversation with a woman fizzle out because you weren’t sure what to say or how to keep it going, then this will save your butt (and make you look super interesting) every time from now on. Never run out of things to say again!
- Think you need to be attractive or have lots of money to get hot girlfriends? WRONG! You’ll learn how to “position” yourself so women actually compete for your attention!
- D’s #1 trick that gets women in the habit of texting you back quickly (even if they ignore everyone else).
- Learn D’s step-by-step Friends Into Lovers sequence that works almost every time with women in his social circle. If you have one special girl you’re interested in, then you must learn this if you want to transform the relationship into something more than just platonic friendship. Don’t drive yourself crazy watching her date other guys (who don’t deserve her). Use this, and she’ll be yours.
- The #1 thing that turns good guys into boring, unattractive “nice guys” that women avoid dating like the plague. You’ll learn what it is, and the simple fix that instantly turns it all around.
- The Deep Conversation Generator: A simple question you ask that makes women think you are interesting and wise before you even talk about yourself. PLUS how to introduce this question in a way that feels totally natural and leads to an awesome connection between you and her.
- The #1 website to use to get an instant social life going, even if you don’t know anyone at all. D shows you how he got five phone numbers his first day using this little-known website.
- The #1 mistake guys make when buying clothes (even if they’re expensive) that makes them look terrible. Once you know this, you can stop throwing away hundreds of dollars on outfits that make you look less attractive to women and start buying the stuff that will make her really notice you!
- Secret places to go where the women outnumber the men 10 to 1. You won’t believe how easy it is to meet women in these little-known goldmines!
- Just say these few words to her, and it will unlock her sexual desire for you that’s currently trapped behind her fear of being called a slut. You’ll be surprised when you discover how many of your female friends already desire you, but are afraid to tell you.
- Think you’re too old to enjoy younger, hotter women? WRONG. D reveals a little trick that has younger women convincing themselves that they want to be in your social circle and be part of your life (and eventually join you in bed).
- D’s “Belief System Surgery” process. If you want to date women who are currently “out of your league”, then this will remove the blocks that are actively preventing you from being able to date them now. Once you do this process, those women will suddenly become available to you as if by magic (because your mind is no longer holding you back).
- Why being “quirky” or “weird” can be an advantage with meeting women, but only if you know how to present it correctly. D shows you how to stand out over the normal, boring guys she sees every day (and is secretly tired of).
- How D turned being a foreigner with brown skin (in a white country) into an advantage. Instead of having to work harder than regular guys, this strategy makes women even more curious about what it’s like to sleep with a foreigner.
- 3 simple exercises that add 2-3 points to your attractiveness without changing anything about your appearance. Why? Because they address the secret stuff that women won’t tell you they’re looking for in a man.
- Revealed: “The FM Technique” that shows you in 90 seconds exactly how attractive women perceive you. If you’ve ever wondered what women secretly think about you, this is a fast way to find out the truth (so you can quickly fix the parts of you that are unintentionally repelling women without you realizing it).
- The single most important thing you must do before you open your mouth to talk to a woman. This simple 3 second technique will be responsible for you having fun with women than you could possible handle!
- Exactly what to say when a women is not interested in dating you. As it turns out, D discovered that these women are an incredible source of referrals for other hot women who will say YES to you! (But only if you use this strategy).
- Word for word examples of exactly what to say when a woman isn’t replying to your texts (without being annoying). This “reactivates” women most of the time and brings them back into your life.
- You’ll get D’s quick start guide to improving your fashion so women notice you and give you more compliments. Once you start hearing all the compliments come in, you’ll be so glad you took this easy step toward becoming more attractive.
- The simple secret that makes $100 suits look just as good as $1,000 dollar suits. You’ll get more compliments and positive attention from women than you know what to do with.
- Suffer from body odor? D discovered a 99 cent item in the supermarket that completely eliminates body odor for 48 hours. (It’s not what you think, and it works better than deodorant).
- How to PROPERLY spray cologne to avoid the strong, nauseating overpowering scent. Plus learn the 2 brands D uses that consistently get compliments from random gorgeous women in coffee shops, parties, and even libraries.
- The 4 personality traits that compel cool guys and attractive women to want to be around you. This isn’t just for dating either. It also works with people who have influence and open doors for you in business.
- Why talking about how you feel can be the worst way to get a woman interested in dating you. Talk about this instead and watch how fast she starts opening up (and even hitting on you).
- Discover the unique TV series you can use to make women see you as wise and trustworthy. D only watches this one show, and just by talking about it women find him fascinating. (Would you like to have a hot woman hanging on your every word?)
- One of the biggest mistakes guys make is talking to women about their “data” (their personal information regarding their life). Women are sick of talking about these typical, boring things. Talk about this one thing instead, and you’ll find women making excuses to spend time with you (and you won’t even have to ask them for their data, because they will want to share it with you).
- AVOID these awkward conversation mistakes men make when they try to be interesting. D will show you how to actually be interesting, and it’s not how you think. It’s easy… once you know the secret behind it.
- The first thing you should ask people to do at your parties that gets them to want to stay longer and makes them feel more comfortable in your home.
- How to start a conversation with someone in a way that makes them feel like they know you already, or they’ve met you before. They’ll be far more open to getting to know you if you do this.
- Don’t have friends right now? D will show you how to build your social circle from scratch like he has done every time he moves to a new place.
- The best time to ask a woman for her contact details. If you ask at the right time, it’s almost guaranteed she’ll give them to you. Ask at the wrong time, and she’ll think it’s weird and make an excuse to not give them (and then the whole conversation will have been for nothing).
- Ever wanted to host a party? Learn the biggest mistake D made when he hosted his first party that actually prevented people from showing up. Learning this one mistake alone will save you the frustration he went through and make sure your parties are always a success!
- Exactly what to say (word for word) to invite people to your parties and events that makes them want to come (and bring their friends to meet you).
- The exact kind of alcohol D discovered that women LOVE. It’s cheap, but it tastes expensive and raises your status even higher as a knowledgeable host who takes great care of people.
- Exactly how to “work the room” at your party so people feel super comfortable and want to stay longer. WARNING: If you skip this step, you’ll find people leaving the party earlier than you expected which triggers others into wanting to leave as well.
- How to create a celebrity-like aura on social media so women read your posts, comment on them, and send you messages wanting to get to know you.
- The #1 thing you can do AFTER you host a party that makes the friends of all your guests desperate to attend your next one. You’ll be shocked at how quickly your parties grow in size each time you host one when you do this one thing!
- The #1 personality trait that compels hot women to continuously think about you. You don’t need to be some kind of alpha male jerk when you have this. And here’s a tip… the more she thinks about you, the more likely it is that she’ll be thinking about dating you. And then it’s only a matter of time before she does!
- The exact step-by-step strategy D used to become friends with several celebrities. This method actually gets you inside their inner circles even faster than if you were a celebrity yourself.
- And much more!
Your Instructor
“D” started off with every disadvantage a guy could have, and he suffered socially as a result. Nobody wanted to date him (especially after the 9/11 terrorist attack) because he was a dark skinned foreigner who was underweight (downright scrawny), not athletic at all, and completely lacked social skills.
He discovered the tools and techniques in this program and put them to use in his own life with drastic results. He quickly realized that he was able to – with predictable success – build a social life wherever he went in the world (he travels a lot and lives in other countries for business). People often ask him how he’s able to build such a great social life filled with cool guys and attractive women, and so he decided to put all his knowledge into one place. This course is the result.
Does it work? Absolutely. D not only built the social life of his dreams (filled with hot women to sleep with whenever he wants), but he also attracted the attention of world famous celebrities, DJ’s, got access to exclusive parties that nobody can buy their way into, and now has his own company training entrepreneurs how to start their own business. None of this would have been possible without the skills he lays out in this program.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction
- From Scarcity To Abundance (19:01)
- Belief System Surgery (19:42)
- Facing Reality (19:42)
- A New Reality (20:40)
- Fashion Transformation (28:02)
- Developing A Magnetic Personality (33:44)
- Magnetic Conversation Tactics (12:31)
- Building A Social Circle From Scratch (15:24)
- Planning Events (16:46)
- Social Media Personal Branding (40:02)
- Cultivation & Maintenance (14:56)
- Friends To Lovers (14:27)
- Befriending Celebrities (21:06)
- Overcoming Obstacles (19:03)
- The Journey Ahead (19:48)
- Installation Guide PDF
- Cheat Sheet PDF
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