Raquel Spencer – Exiting the Duality Matrix 2023
Raquel Spencer – Exiting the Duality Matrix 2023
Transition Into Unity/Triwave Consciousness
Awakening back into our Original Angelic DNA blueprint is an intricate and detailed process.
As fractals of the whole, each layer of our Divine blueprints interact with all of creation and builds our pathway back into higher states of consciousness.
This package of Quantum Activations supports your biology while rebuilding and activating your Organic Light Architecture.
Working with the White, Platinum, Blue, Pink and Green Diamond Sun Codes, the Emerald, Aqua, Amethyst and Gold liquid fire codes, Order of the Phoenix, the Blue Melchizedek, Crystal Kingdom and so much more, this series supports every level of your Being.
PACKAGE: Transition Into Unity/Triwave Consciousness
Embodying a Higher Frequency of the Divine Mother Principles of Light
Moving into higher states of Being, this activation combined incredible Light infusions from the crystalline core of Gaia, along with Diamond Sun Codes to activate a deeper embodiment of truth. Working with the emerald, aqua, amethyst and gold liquid fire Light from Gaia’s heart, a deep purification of the liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder and intestines is initiated. The Diamond Sun Codes began the next level awakening of the pineal.
Embodying Lost Melchizedek Aspects
As we continue the ascension process, more and more clears and becomes available to bring back into wholeness. During this activation, the Order of the Phoenix, Melchizedek, and Crystal Kingdom aspects all came into play as we integrated encodements from individualized templates of information, as well as from Diamond Sun and Gaia codes of Light. The nervous system received another upgrade to facilitate this new level of frequency, as well as the eyes and inner ear mechanisms. Anchoring a new level of sovereignty, this activation opens up your gifts and memories to the next level.
The Father Principle Discs & White Diamond Sun Codes
A part of the Father principle architecture, consisting of 15 horizontal discs, were activated within your Lightbody structures. This 15:15 architecture works with the Mother principle 13:13 architecture within your ascension vehicle of Light.
Prior, Light blueprints coming from the core of Gaia purged distorted memory, encodements and blueprints within your matrix to prepare for higher levels of truth to be embodied.
A massive Pineal/Pituitary Activation commenced as access to higher Light information continues to become available. Higher Blue Flame Melchizedek aspects began to integrate, as distorted grids continue to unlock.
Finally, White Diamond Elohei Sun Codes were infused as they danced upon the horizontal father principle discs within your fields. This is one powerful activation!
Full Merge with Crystalline Core of Gaia
As Gaia continues to awaken, more information is available from her crystalline core, which is her High Heart. This activation allows us to fully merge with the crystalline core, verses anchoring or tapping into it, for the first time. This infusion of Light information upgraded the earth star into a crystalline emerald format.
The High Heart mechanisms receive an activation and recalibration to facilitate the influx of information and Light codes, preparing to move beyond 360 degrees into higher levels of multidimensionality. To help our physical body evolve, the nervous system and mitochondria also received support and healing.
It’s time to start connecting to our Paschat (I tend to add an “n” in my pronunciation), Sirian and Pegasus aspects and teams even more.
Unraveling From The Construct of Linear Time
This activation prepares your body for the next phase of the ascension process. Linear time, which we experience in the binary system, is shifting. Within the new Triwave magnetics, time doesn’t exist and/or is not experienced in the same way. It is another step towards living multidimensionally.
Working with White, Platinum, Blue, Pink and Green Diamond Codes of Light, a “inventory” of your fields is done and adjustments made within your own personal clock shield. The clock shields are more about alignment than time.
In addition, a group “snapshot” was taken as a representation of the collective, to enable higher levels of assistance from our Pleadian and Arcturian counterparts and the Green Mantis Magnetic specialists.
Another level of clearing was done around your root/base or foundational energies to assist you with shifting out of 3D time and into quantum time to facilitate a shift in perception at this level of consciousness. This includes helping to release “lower” emotional hooks and triggers.
Recoding the Nervous System for Triwave Interface
This activation re-codes your nervous system to anchor more fully into the Triwave magnetics.
With beautiful gold/pink codes coming in from your high heart, your nervous system is re-coded to shift your foundation from the old binary into the triwave of unity consciousness,
Working with Gaia’s emerald flame energy, the notes of the song to “sing us home” were swirled through your nervous system and into your feet to assist with anchoring the new magnetics with every step you take.
A beautiful experience both physically and emotionally as we continue to move into higher frequencies of Light.
About Raquel

Raquel Spencer is a Catalyst for becoming Your Quantum Self.
She specializes in activating the dormant mind/body pathways and multidimensional cellular codes of Light which assist you with remembering your Divine Sovereign Essence and Quantum Self.
Recognized by Shamans, High Priest/Priestess and Lamas alike, Raquel has traveled the world following her guidance to facilitate the awakening of Light workers, Starseeds and Seekers of Truth.
Raquel’s work accelerates your Multidimensional Awakening bringing you to the cutting edge of consciousness and the ascension.
Assisting thousands around the globe, she helps you navigate through and understand your own multidimensionality, accelerating your Spiritual Awakening and Expanding Your Consciousness.
Her life shifted profoundly after an unexplained 5-week coma, during which she underwent a Soul Braid and a rewiring of her physical and energetic systems. The coma marked the beginning of her own personal awakening and preparation to fulfill her cosmic agreement to help prepare humanity for the “Shift in Consciousness.”
Through Ancient & Light languages, codes, downloads and more…, her multidimensional energy activations accelerate the return to YOUR natural original blueprint as a Divine Human.
She states “You are a bioelectrical, biochemical supercomputer of Light. The omni presence of your multidimensional self is always present. However; if your Divine vehicle or supercomputer is not functioning at an appropriate level, your ability to communicate, connect and integrate that level of your consciousness is compromised.”
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Archive: https://archive.ph/XfD65
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